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Dress code


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I think you are imagining it


Either that or you go out to some strange places


Most people I know, young or otherwise, take loads of trouble chosing what to wear and trying to be smart.


It might just be that your idea of smart is not the same as someone else's.


Like training shoes which you might think "not smart" but someone who paid a few hundred quid for a pair would think they were as smart as err...smart things that are very smart

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Originally posted by LouiseB

I think you are imagining it


Either that or you go out to some strange places


Most people I know, young or otherwise, take loads of trouble chosing what to wear and trying to be smart.



Not me dear!! Jeans, T shirt and denim for boozers and clubs these days, although I do like to dress smart for work!!

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I know what you mean cycleracer!!!


When we are on holiday, we usually dress up for dinner in the evening. This year at Great Yarmouth we didn't bother! People seemed to be coming straight off the beach, then to the pubs at night....wearing flip flops/shorts!!!


So much for a nice top and skirt!!!


I agree, people just aren't as bothered anymore. It's a shame because its nice to see people make an effort.

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Originally posted by pontious

Not me dear!! Jeans, T shirt and denim for boozers and clubs these days


Same here,cant remember the last time i got "dressed up" for a night on the town,all the pubs amd clubs i go in dont require you to dress a certain way so a dress with what i feel comfortable in,plus i think i look pretty smart when i go out anyway!! :lol:

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Originally posted by pontious

Not me dear!! Jeans, T shirt and denim for boozers and clubs these days, although I do like to dress smart for work!!


yes, its all about this weathered denim look. has to be evisu or other expensive brand for it to be authentically not authentic.


personally i wouldn't be seen dead in any form of denim, not even whilst decorating.

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I prefer a boiler suit for my decorating needs, lets your body breathe!!!


I must admit, I like this dirty denim look but I do remember a few years back when if you had denim and/or trainers on you weren't dressed right. I although I hear this rule still applies at Berlins, Kingdom and similar sorts of cheese spots.

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One of our regular customers tried an experiment a few weeks ago when it was really hot. He left the house wearing just a leopard print thong and his boots. He got on the bus and went into town.


He walked in and out of a few pubs and was either looked at strangely or barred on the spot. He came back to the Classic and we all just laughed at him. Once he'd been laughed at he just drank his beer and we all just got on with living.


Funny thing, dress codes. Surely it should be down to the person's personality and demeanour rather than what they wear.


We have a rock bar, but you are welcome to wear whatever you want to wear in it, whether it be jeans and t shirts, the latest fashion, 80s legwarmers or a leopard print thong. As long as you enjoy yourself, should it matter? Why should clothing cause offence?

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