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Over priced beer.


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Just because the Bar chooses that particular way to serve it doesn't make it the 'best' and 'right' way to serve it. Just a way to try and sell more of it in one go.

Guinness in Bottles is different to Guinness on Tap anyway! They used to sell 'Draught' in Bottles but it didn't really work.


In Belgium Pubs even the Beer 'on Tap' is served in special 250/330ml Glasses. The Brewer of the Beer knows best not the 'Immediate' Supplier!


In the UK it is illegal to serve draught beer in any measures other than pint half pint or third pint.


In Belgium most beer served from bar dispensers is cheap fizz and served in glasses of half litre 1/3 litre or 250mm. Most of the "Abbey" beers are bottled and only a few available on "draught". Indeed the word draught should not be applied to Belgian beer as I have never found a beer that is drawn from the barrel. They are nearly all blown from the keg by pressurised gas.

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Just because the Bar chooses that particular way to serve it doesn't make it the 'best' and 'right' way to serve it. Just a way to try and sell more of it in one go.

Guinness in Bottles is different to Guinness on Tap anyway! They used to sell 'Draught' in Bottles but it didn't really work.


In Belgium Pubs even the Beer 'on Tap' is served in special 250/330ml Glasses. The Brewer of the Beer knows best not the 'Immediate' Supplier!


I refer you to my post at 113:



Actually you do get pint Leffe glasses, but I've never seen them in the UK. Not a problem in France or Belgium though!


I was recently in Ghent, drinking in a bar by one of the bridges (Het Waterhuis aan de Bierkant - highly recommended!)


One of their house beers, Mammelokker, is advertised as low alcohol (for the ladies!) It's a mere 6.6% They sell that, and another similar strength beer in 500ml measures, so only a smidge less than a pint.


But they'll only sell you three small measures of their 11.5% Klokke Roeland :D


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no, the customer decides the 'best' and 'right' way to serve it. i've drank many pints of real ale that are stronger than leffe, in pints.




The customer doesn't make the product so they don't know how it is best enjoyed best!


I suppose you would try and tell a Cuban Cigar Maker that it is better to light them with Lighter than a Match just because you've smoked a few Hamlets?

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The customer doesn't make the product so they don't know how it is best enjoyed best!


I suppose you would try and tell a Cuban Cigar Maker that it is better to light them with Lighter than a Match just because you've smoked a few Hamlets?


:lol: what a laughable post


the customer consumes the product, therefore they know the way in which they wish to consume it.

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:lol: what a laughable post


the customer consumes the product, therefore they know the way in which they wish to consume it.



So if they wanted to suck Leffe up through their bottom that would be fine long as it is what the 'customer wants?'


The makers take 'days and weeks' sometimes longer to create the fine produce that the customer takes only 'minutes and hours' to consume so think they have 'slightly' more knowledge than them somehow?


whats laughable is you thinking you have somehow more knowledge than the creaters?


Remind me never to get on a plane that you have been repairing because you've 'been on it a few times' so you think you know more than the person who built it?

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So if they wanted to suck Leffe up through their bottom that would be fine long as it is what the 'customer wants?'


The makers take 'days and weeks' sometimes longer to create the fine produce that the customer takes only 'minutes and hours' to consume so think they have 'slightly' more knowledge than them somehow?


whats laughable is you thinking you have somehow more knowledge than the creaters?


Remind me never to get on a plane that you have been repairing because you've 'been on it a few times' so you think you know more than the person who built it?


what is laughable is that you think that the producers can dictate the volumes in which their beer should be drank to their consumers, disgregarding your ridiculous irrelevant examples. look, just accept you have made a fool of yourself, and walk away with your tail between your legs :hihi:

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