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Spooky stories in sheffield


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Whilst living in Gleadless Valley my mates and I used to hang around Bunting Nook as late as we could in the hopes (or not!!) of seeing something. We'd be about 11-12 years old. Very glad we didn't cos I doubt if we'd have been able to run very fast with out bum cheeks squeezed that tightly together. Try it sometime!!!


Very spooky atmosphere though. Deathly silent, and darker than adjacent roads even with street lighting.:evil:

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  • 10 months later...

Goldenfleece, about the gypsy girl you claimed to have seen around nethergreen.

Where abouts did you see the ghost?


i'm going on a midnight walk around the area in a few days and would like to know the exact location in which you saw her





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I've been looking into what used to stand on the land where our apartment is built because of some weird things that have been happening there. I live on Tadcaster Road with my girlfriend and our little boy, Ben, who is just over 5 months old.


Where to start. . . . Imogen is sensitive to these kinds of things, of that im convinced. One example that sticks out in my mind is that when she was pregneant she suddenly came in the front room and said she couldn't sleep in the bedroom because she could hear footsteps around the bed!!! Occasional strange things happen, like last night when we went up to my mums for Sunday Dinner and when we came home the heating had been on and the flat was like a sauna (before you mention it our thermosat is completely knackered so the heating physically cant come on by itself!!)


The oddest thing is that whilst she has been off on Maternity leave, she has told me about an old guy, called Ahmed, who has been appearing. He doesn't haunt the flat, as such, apparently he was just visiting because we're 'nice people, and he was sure we wouldn't mind' !!


I had a horrible experience a few months back, where I woke up and i just couldnt move, i remeber trying to shout, but i couldnt make any noise, it was barely a whimper when it came out, and iv'e since found out that this has happened to Imogen a couple of times as well. There are quite a few more odd things that happen, but none of them seem particularly threatening, apart from the 'frozen in place' thing, but apart from that it all seems pretty benign.


There's all sorts of stuff going on, sometimes feel like I'm at a party, I just can't see all the other guests!!!!!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi LoopyCool,


I am not sure if you are still experiencing paranormal activity in your house, but I work on the TV show "Haunted Homes" and we are looking for people with haunted homes to come on the show.


If you are interested in having a chat with me about the show, please feel free to contact me on 0208 563 6988.


Many thanks,



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I had a horrible experience a few months back, where I woke up and i just couldnt move, i remeber trying to shout, but i couldnt make any noise, it was barely a whimper when it came out, and iv'e since found out that this has happened to Imogen a couple of times as well.


This could have been 'sleep paralysis'.


It's happened to me loads of times. Apparently, there is a chemical safety device in your brain that stops you from moving about too much when dreaming. Problem is, sometimes it forgets to switch off for a few seconds after you wake up sometimes. There are times when it might 'kick in' prior to being fully asleep as well.


I panicked when it first happened to me.:gag:

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  • 5 years later...


Was wondering if anyone knew any history of arbourthorne road s2. Im having a problem with a demonic entity wich was brought forth by a ouija board played by previous owner 4 years ago. Things keep happening like smell of rotton meat, soaking wet floors and beds, apparitions of a ghost like creatures with animal limbs but human torso (photos). knocking mainly 3 knocks , shows up mainly round 3.00 am to 3.30 am, reflections in mirrors. scratches, bruises even bite marks. bugs all kinds of creepy crawlys, nightmares , sleep pharalysis. the house has a very depressing dark feel to it. visitors also have witnessed these happenings plus and old lady at 90 died in the house(unexplained causes) , 2 fires. also my little boy has told me its a horse man monster who keeps coming to him at night telling him scary stuff, and sitting on his chest..... I literatly have drag him upstairs to bed and nothing usually faze's him.



Any suggestions welcome...... No nasty comments only honest opinions

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me and my mrs ,weretraveling along stocksbride bypas in a taxi about 4am coming back from manchester airport,i was chattin to the driver in the front,she was sat in the back seat ,when all of a sudden she yelled out that a face of a man was pressed up to the window,we were goin about 50mph .she didnt no anything about the storys about the bypas the face was there for about 5 seconds if that.

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  • 6 months later...

Was wondering if anyone knew any history of arbourthorne road s2. Im having a problem with a demonic entity wich was brought forth by a ouija board played by previous owner 4 years ago. Things keep happening like smell of rotton meat, soaking wet floors and beds, apparitions of a ghost like creatures with animal limbs but human torso (photos). knocking mainly 3 knocks , shows up mainly round 3.00 am to 3.30 am, reflections in mirrors. scratches, bruises even bite marks. bugs all kinds of creepy crawlys, nightmares , sleep pharalysis. the house has a very depressing dark feel to it. visitors also have witnessed these happenings plus and old lady at 90 died in the house(unexplained causes) , 2 fires. also my little boy has told me its a horse man monster who keeps coming to him at night telling him scary stuff, and sitting on his chest..... I literatly have drag him upstairs to bed and nothing usually faze's him.



Any suggestions welcome...... No nasty comments only honest opinions


Hi, If it is still happening send me an email: sheffieldtarotnights@gmail.com

http://ghostclearanceuk.weebly.com. Thanks. Peter

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