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German POW Lodge Moor Sheffield

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Lodge Moor Camp (it was Camp No 17) was first used for Italians and later for Germans. My grandparents befriended one of the German prisoners who was there from 1945 to 1948 - he had been captured when the Channel Islands were liberated. After mid-1946 they were allowed out and they worked on farms, gardening, building prefabs etc. until their repatriation when they went home via special trains to the Channel ports. I've tried to find photos of the camp on the Internet without much success. One photo is here but this predates WW2 (it was an army camp during the First World War). A brief account of an escape attempt is here. I remember that some of the Germans didn't go home, especially those from the Sudetenland or Silesia. One of these became an orderly at Lodge Moor hospital; he lived in one of the wooden bungalows that used to be at Grindleford, and there was an article in The Star about him when he retired. I worked with another ex-p.o.w. in the 1960s at Stewarts and Lloyds on Rutland Road - he was known as "Ted" and was a foreman.


The area where the camp was is now a pine wood with a wall around much of it but you can still see the concrete/brick foundations of the huts. Google Earth has a couple of photos of these; just search on "Lodge Moor" and zoom in; the site of the camp is just west of the Lodge Moor built-up area. The Local Studies Library may have more information and photos.

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When I first arrived here in Oz, I worked with a German man who was a prisoner there, he used to do work around the area and spent the money in the pub called The Three Merry Lads, according to him, it was like a holiday camp.

I remember as a child, that when we went up that way for picnics, the side of the road was full of prisoners exchanging jokes and having a good laugh, they were a lot different to the POW's we get these days.

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My Grandfather was a German POW at Lodge Moor Sheffield. He was captured 22nd September 1944 at Nijmegan Holland by the US 82nd Airbourne. Does anyone have any photo's or video clips of the camp old or new.


please email on beyond3d@hotmail.co.uk


Kind Regards




Just out of interest what unit was your Grandfather in ( maybe the 84th inf Div) ?

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My mum told me a story of when her brother turned up at their home on the Manor with 2 German prisoners who he was transporting to the pow camp. He was surprised by his dad's reaction... he said let's take em to the pub for a pint before they go. They were well accepted at the pub also.

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My mum remembers German pow's working on the roads in Ecclesfield when she was a kid, she says that they used to give the kids sweets from their rations and occasionally badges and insignia from their uniforms.

My mum had some of the latter and my grandad searched his house several times over the years but they must have been chucked out :rant:.

So bl##dy annoying as I collect German militaria.

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