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Support for 'Mandela Day'

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What a stupid bet to make, there is no comparison.


Mandela fought for democracy, using minimum force.


Al Qaeda are fighting (at least in part) against democracy using maximum force.

Wildcat, you little pussy, what are you talking about? "against democracy" They are against everything Western, but that should be discussed in another thread.

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Wildcat, you little pussy, what are you talking about? "against democracy" They are against everything Western, but that should be discussed in another thread.


I am making the primary distinction between Mandela and Bin Laden.


You remember the distinction you bet I wouldn't make? Do try not to make yourself look like you have the memory of a goldfish.


The difference between them is their attitude towards democracy, and their use of violence. Mandela fought for democracy, Bin Laden against our democratic values. Mandela used minimum force, Bin Laden maximum force.

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I am making the primary distinction between Mandela and Bin Laden.


You remember the distinction you bet I wouldn't make? Do try not to make yourself look like you have the memory of a goldfish.


The difference between them is their attitude towards democracy, and their use of violence. Mandela fought for democracy, Bin Laden against our democratic values. Mandela used minimum force, Bin Laden maximum force.


Do you write what you do just to be controversial? Mandela was a terrorist and his wife used to put used tyres around their opponents and set them alight.


I see the ANC is very democratic these days??? they are one of the most corrupt governments in Africa and seeing as they were freed of oppression, they somehow didn't manage to pass it onto Zimbabwe and what did Mandela do? What has he really ever done?


I would stop thinking about the rest of the world as long as they are not white British if I was you as like your glorious leader Gordon the moron, you too will fade into oblivion. I see a lot of your leader in you.


Take up a cause like the Gurkha's if you want something meaningful and worthwhile to do and stop bashing the Brits. on here because they see sense when you obviously don't.

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Do you write what you do just to be controversial? Mandela was a terrorist and his wife used to put used tyres around their opponents and set them alight.


I see the ANC is very democratic these days??? they are one of the most corrupt governments in Africa and seeing as they were freed of oppression, they somehow didn't manage to pass it onto Zimbabwe and what did Mandela do? What has he really ever done?


I would stop thinking about the rest of the world as long as they are not white British if I was you as like your glorious leader Gordon the moron, you too will fade into oblivion. I see a lot of your leader in you.


Take up a cause like the Gurkha's if you want something meaningful and worthwhile to do and stop bashing the Brits. on here because they see sense when you obviously don't.


Wonderful post!!!

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Do you write what you do just to be controversial? Mandela was a terrorist and his wife used to put used tyres around their opponents and set them alight.


I see the ANC is very democratic these days??? they are one of the most corrupt governments in Africa and seeing as they were freed of oppression, they somehow didn't manage to pass it onto Zimbabwe and what did Mandela do? What has he really ever done?


I would stop thinking about the rest of the world as long as they are not white British if I was you as like your glorious leader Gordon the moron, you too will fade into oblivion. I see a lot of your leader in you.


Take up a cause like the Gurkha's if you want something meaningful and worthwhile to do and stop bashing the Brits. on here because they see sense when you obviously don't.


It is not controversial to think Nelson Mandela a hero for standing up for and fighting for democracy. :rolleyes:


His wife turned in to a gangster, why he disowned her.


What has the ANC today got to do with Nelson Mandela? You are changing the topic. After achieving an end to apartheid and the groundbreaking Truth and Reconciliation commission he left South African politics. He had achieved his goal.


I am not the one bashing Brits. :huh:


Nelson Mandela was fighting for exactly the same thing we were in the second world war..... freedom and democracy.


Something people seem to neglect far too easily and in doing so they neglect the great in Great Britain, Emancipation is one of the few causes worth dieing for and something that historically, Brits have every reason to be proud of.


I don't know what your values are, but if they don't include the things Nelson Mandela sacrificed for then you should be ashamed and you have no reason for pride.

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If you say so.

Hes a murdering scumbag who supports another murdering scumbag and if i had my way hed not get a day to celebrate him. Hed get a bullet in his head.

Clearly you prefer the apartheid regime Mr. sock puppet, which (if I had my way ;)) would qualify you for a bullet in the head.

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It is not controversial to think Nelson Mandela a hero for standing up for and fighting for democracy. :rolleyes:


His wife turned in to a gangster, why he disowned her.


What has the ANC today got to do with Nelson Mandela? You are changing the topic. After achieving an end to apartheid and the groundbreaking Truth and Reconciliation commission he left South African politics. He had achieved his goal.


I am not the one bashing Brits. :huh:


Nelson Mandela was fighting for exactly the same thing we were in the second world war..... freedom and democracy.


Something people seem to neglect far too easily and in doing so they neglect the great in Great Britain, Emancipation is one of the few causes worth dieing for and something that historically, Brits have every reason to be proud of.


I don't know what your values are, but if they don't include the things Nelson Mandela sacrificed for then you should be ashamed and you have no reason for pride.


It is so controversial for thinking that Mandela stood up for democracy when he was a terrorist, maybe I could have more empathy for him if he was a bit more like Gandhi who actually practiced peace and made his so called followers do so in his ranks.


He had no choice but to disown his wife who you recognise was burning people alive while he was in prison but the wrong people and she was just a by-product of what he gave her or are you suggesting that she tried to keep him in prison? They were of the same mind and he chose adulation over her faithfulness when he dumped her.


The ANC have everything to do with Mandela just like Blair has to do with Brown if you want to put a finer point to it, one corrupt leader gave over to an even more corrupt leader and ours was not even elected. If Mandela had achieved his goal then all of Africa would have been free along with Zimbabwe which even Mandela didn't address. Africa is a corrupt nation and so is Mandela. Mandela achieved no goals whatsoever as you put it. Name them?


As for you bashing the Brits. Its a national pastime for you.


I don't know what your values are, but if they don't include the things Nelson Mandela sacrificed for then you should be ashamed and you have no reason for pride.


My values are different to yours and they don't include the likes of Mandela along with you.


Look at his legacy.

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It is so controversial for thinking that Mandela stood up for democracy when he was a terrorist, maybe I could have more empathy for him if he was a bit more like Gandhi who actually practiced peace and made his so called followers do so in his ranks.


He had no choice but to disown his wife who you recognise was burning people alive while he was in prison but the wrong people and she was just a by-product of what he gave her or are you suggesting that she tried to keep him in prison? They were of the same mind and he chose adulation over her faithfulness when he dumped her.


The ANC have everything to do with Mandela just like Blair has to do with Brown if you want to put a finer point to it, one corrupt leader gave over to an even more corrupt leader and ours was not even elected. If Mandela had achieved his goal then all of Africa would have been free along with Zimbabwe which even Mandela didn't address. Africa is a corrupt nation and so is Mandela. Mandela achieved no goals whatsoever as you put it. Name them?


As for you bashing the Brits. Its a national pastime for you.


My values are different to yours and they don't include the likes of Mandela along with you.


Look at his legacy.


Except Mandela was never a terrorist. The Apartheid regime used terror to suppress the population shooting innocent peaceful demonstrators. He stood against terrorism.


What is his legacy? Truth and reonciliation commissions, that have assisted the end to a number of conflicts, not least Northern Ireland. The world is a safer place with less hatred because of his example.

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So you would put a bullet in his head because he disagree's with you?


That is what Apartheid did to 69 peaceful protestors at Sharpeville. That is what they did to Steve Biko and countless others that stood up for freedom and democracy.

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