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Except Mandela was never a terrorist. The Apartheid regime used terror to suppress the population shooting innocent peaceful demonstrators. He stood against terrorism.


What is his legacy? Truth and reconciliation commissions, that have assisted the end to a number of conflicts, not least Northern Ireland. The world is a safer place with less hatred because of his example.


You do make me laugh. Mandela was a terrorist and the majority know about it now thanks to things like the internet. The ANC use similar tactics to keep their poorer areas in check and considering they have had so many years to sort themselves out there is now a massive divide between poor blacks and wealthy one's is there not? Have you ever visited SA?


His legacy is not worth anything, its easy to be peaceful from the confines of a prison whilst like an Al-Qaeda boss you can still issue orders so don't be so smug.


What has Mandela done for Zimbabwe for example against another terrorist? you never did and never will answer that one will you? Hmmmm!


Mandela has at no time had anything to do with Northern Ireland. That is such a silly thing to try and say but not unusual for you. Its just plain silly really and you know it but you spout it and you really couldn't be expected to know better because you know no better.Truth


South Africa under the ANC shoots more of its population than ever before wildcat and under circumstances not widely reported along with every other African nation.


What truth and conciliatory commissions (independent deciding groups funded by the like minded) did he invent and what is his seat on them? I would appreciate an answer to that as you said it and tell me what British union they are funded by. Yours? You don't answer many questions so answer this one.

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That is what Apartheid did to 69 peaceful protestors at Sharpeville. That is what they did to Steve Biko and countless others that stood up for freedom and democracy.


How many people did Mandela murder through the bullet and his wife place tyres over and burn to death?


One would be enough in my mind. Two wrongs don't make a right and he is far from a hero worship idol.

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So you would put a bullet in his head because he disagree's with you?

He started it. :D


Clearly the sock puppet would like a bullet in Nelson Mandela's head, yet is tiresomely, predictably quiet about the atrocities committed by the apartheid regime against the indigenous population of South Africa. It's not hard to tell who you're dealing with on this board. I'll not even begin to waste my time defending people who would support apartheid and favour capital punishment for those who fought against it.


If you choose to believe that my issue is that the poster disagrees with me, feel free, my post came after their's.

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How many people did Mandela murder through the bullet and his wife place tyres over and burn to death?


One would be enough in my mind. Two wrongs don't make a right and he is far from a hero worship idol.


Nelson Mandela didn't kill anyone so far as I am aware. He was latterly involved in sabotage after years of peaceful resistance.


By your argument the French would not have resisted the occupation and we would not have fought the second world war.


There are times when you have to fight back. If that time does not include 50 years of increasing repressive violence to support a system that treats the majority population as second class human beings. Then there is never a time and I applaud you idealistic pacifism, but unfortunately you can't stop a rabid pitbull by throwing flowers to it.

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He started it. :D


Clearly the sock puppet would like a bullet in Nelson Mandela's head, yet is tiresomely, predictably quiet about the atrocities committed by the apartheid regime against the indigenous population of South Africa. It's not hard to tell who you're dealing with on this board. I'll not even begin to waste my time defending people who would support apartheid and favour capital punishment for those who fought against it.


If you choose to believe that my issue is that the poster disagrees with me, feel free, my post came after their's.


You sound like a child in a playground. "He started it." Forget the smilies and the name calling like sock puppets. Its immature and if you can't debate with that poster because you have no argument then you have clearly lost.


I don't think anyone defends apartheid least of all me but I do support democracy and the right to free speech and I am totally against terrorists now matter how eloquent they are.

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You sound like a child in a playground. "He started it." Forget the smilies and the name calling like sock puppets. Its immature and if you can't debate with that poster because you have no argument then you have clearly lost.

Thank you for the assessment. It's truly important to me. :) By the way, I'll post how I like and now how you would like me to.:thumbsup: I've lost nothing, the poster (an obvious sock puppet) is as transparent as tap water.


I don't think anyone defends apartheid least of all me but I do support democracy and the right to free speech and I am totally against terrorists now matter how eloquent they are.
Better to be against all acts of terrorism rather than just those who are described as 'terrorists' by hypocritical and brutal regimes.
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