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Support for 'Mandela Day'

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Nelson Mandela didn't kill anyone so far as I am aware. He was latterly involved in sabotage after years of peaceful resistance.


By your argument the French would not have resisted the occupation and we would not have fought the second world war.


There are times when you have to fight back. If that time does not include 50 years of increasing repressive violence to support a system that treats the majority population as second class human beings. Then there is never a time and I applaud you idealistic pacifism, but unfortunately you can't stop a rabid pitbull by throwing flowers to it.


That's a bit like saying Bin Laden wasn't responsible for the the actions of others in their killing spree.


I agree with getting rid of apartheid but they just transferred it onto their own population and they never berated Zimbabwe over it for example, its a bit like they got rid of white rule so they can do it to their own now and Mandela did nothing to stop it did he?


Who do the blacks in Africa fight back against now? not the whites.


It has been abandoned by the west and hence the begging bowls.


if there are times you have to fight back as you say, what about the bigotry directed towards the ordinary Englishman in his own Country today?


Go on wildcat, bash those Brits.

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Unfortunately a minority seem to believe that the natives should just be perpetually subservient to the Europeans when they come to colonise them. :rolleyes:


And some minorities seem to believe that the majority of European Countries they seek sanctuary in should be subservient to them.

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Thank you for the assessment. It's truly important to me. :) By the way, I'll post how I like and now how you would like me to.:thumbsup: I've lost nothing, the poster (an obvious sock puppet) is as transparent as tap water.


You don't need to thank me for anything being a sock puppet yourself, I mean whenever wildcat appears, so do you, shock and horror!


Try and have a viewpoint of your own instead of a supporting one, you are like Brown and Bliers with wildcat.


Better to be against all acts of terrorism rather than just those who are described as 'terrorists' by hypocritical and brutal regimes.


I agree its better to be against all acts of terrorism so I take it you are against Mandela then?

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That's a bit like saying Bin Laden wasn't responsible for the the actions of others in their killing spree.


It is nothing like that at all. Mandela's cause and tactics were just, Bin Laden's unjust on both counts.


I agree with getting rid of apartheid but they just transferred it onto their own population and they never berated Zimbabwe over it for example, its a bit like they got rid of white rule so they can do it to their own now and Mandela did nothing to stop it did he?


They being Thabo Mbeki?


Mandela, has retired. Do you blame Thatcher for Brown? or Callaghan for Heath?


Who do the blacks in Africa fight back against now? not the whites.


There is understandable frustration at the pace of change and legitimate criticism of some of their policies, in particular those dictated to them by the IMF.


It has been abandoned by the west and hence the begging bowls.


7th biggest economy in Africa, and a period of consistent economic growth. The most notable economic problems arose with the currency in 2001 due to Mbeki's implementation of IMF policies.


if there are times you have to fight back as you say, what about the bigotry directed towards the ordinary Englishman in his own Country today?


Go on wildcat, bash those Brits.


Where the english are discriminated against there are now thankfully laws to hold the perpetrator to account. But I can only think of a couple of examples, it is certainly not the issue that you are making it out to be. You will be telling me men are discriminated against next... :rolleyes:

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Only in Countries that sponsor terrorism. We supposedly got rid of apartheid in South Africa or am I wrong?


You are wrong. Mandela got rid of Apartheid in South Africa. If you recall Thatcher objected to the sanctions against the regime whilst it was killing peaceful protestors .

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You don't need to thank me for anything being a sock puppet yourself, I mean whenever wildcat appears, so do you, shock and horror!


Try and have a viewpoint of your own instead of a supporting one, you are like Brown and Bliers with wildcat.


I agree its better to be against all acts of terrorism so I take it you are against Mandela then?


Why should he be against Mandela when he fought against the terrorism that the South African state resorted to? Forced removals, a homeland system and the violent repression of any political opposition. If that is not government by terror and terrorism then you have a very different understanding of the meanings of the words.

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You are wrong. Mandela got rid of Apartheid in South Africa. If you recall Thatcher objected to the sanctions against the regime whilst it was killing peaceful protestors .


They weren't peaceful.


Thatcher objected, as did Kohl, as did Mitterand, as did Reagan as did the 43 Italian Prime Ministers who were elected that year.


The Truth and Reconciliation Commissions weren't Mandela's legacy, they were proposed by the West as a way forward for both De Klerk and the ANC to make the transition to universal suffrage without bloodshed and economic collapse.


Why do you have to resort to misinformation?

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Clearly you prefer the apartheid regime Mr. sock puppet, which (if I had my way ;)) would qualify you for a bullet in the head.


Clearly your an idiot:loopy:

Hes a terrorist and im a law abiding citizen so why would i deserve a bullet in my head?

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He started it. :D


Clearly the sock puppet would like a bullet in Nelson Mandela's head, yet is tiresomely, predictably quiet about the atrocities committed by the apartheid regime against the indigenous population of South Africa. It's not hard to tell who you're dealing with on this board. I'll not even begin to waste my time defending people who would support apartheid and favour capital punishment for those who fought against it.


If you choose to believe that my issue is that the poster disagrees with me, feel free, my post came after their's.


You love throwing up smoke screens when you know you are wrong or losing an argument dont you. Sock puppet my arse:rolleyes:

Im a man with an opinion and because it differs from yours then i must be another user , or a racist, or a bnp activist.

Get a life:thumbsup:

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