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Support for 'Mandela Day'

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So our beloved Prime Minister, who is always banging on about the constant threat of terrorism, wants the whole country to support the idea of a memorial day for a man who spent 27 years in prison on terrorism charges.


How, in any twisted version of reality, does that make sense?????


Perhaps in Gordons world there are good terrorists and bad terrorists, like there are good whistle blowers and bad whistle blowers

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You love throwing up smoke screens when you know you are wrong or losing an argument dont you. Sock puppet my arse:rolleyes:

Im a man with an opinion and because it differs from yours then i must be another user , or a racist, or a bnp activist.

Get a life:thumbsup:

Truth will out, as they say. :thumbsup:


PS: What did I lose? :confused:

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Clearly your an idiot:loopy:

I find it's more impressive when we go around calling each other idiots that we manage to spell our sentence correctly. Otherwise the whole thing can backfire quite undesirably! :D


Hes a terrorist and im a law abiding citizen so why would i deserve a bullet in my head?

It's quite obvious. YOU feel that HE deserves a bullet in the head for fighting back against apartheid. Since we can assume that you know of the murderous apartheid regime your position is rather suspect.

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And some minorities seem to believe that the majority of European Countries they seek sanctuary in should be subservient to them.

Although you claim not to support Apartheid, it is interesting that when I referred to indigenous peoples being subservient to their colonial masters (in a post I made that was not even directed at you) you came back with this nonsense above. Certain characters often don't admit their true convictions especially those which are the most controversial.


Generally speaking, the minorities in European countries have been invited. They didn't just barge in and conquer us. :rolleyes:


I agree its better to be against all acts of terrorism so I take it you are against Mandela then?
The comment was direct at YOURSELF, someone who clearly buys into emotive propaganda: the hypocrisy of branded freedom fighters as 'terrorists' (because they commit acts of terror) regardless of what despotic, brutal and often illegal regimes they are struggling against whilst ignoring acts of terror by the state.


You don't need to thank me for anything being a sock puppet yourself, I mean whenever wildcat appears, so do you, shock and horror!
Err ... no. I simply made a thread for his attention because I wanted to send him a message. Until last night I hadn't been near this forum for about a week, you know? Oh, that's right, you don't know you're just trying to be clever. :hihi:


If I were you I'd check up on the meaning of "sock-puppet account". I've only had one account here since I started. It's not that hard to avoid being banned or to stand by what I say. Wonder if we've seen you around here before? :huh::suspect:


Try and have a viewpoint of your own instead of a supporting one, you are like Brown and Bliers with wildcat.

Ha Ha. Priceless. My views are all my own ... and I'm not especially fond of New Labour for your information and I remember reading a post where Wildcat suggested he may vote for a different party, so a bit of a non-point, i'm afraid.

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It's quite obvious. YOU feel that HE deserves a bullet in the head for fighting back against apartheid. Since we can assume that you know of the murderous apartheid regime your position is rather suspect.


I feel that HE deserves a bullet in the head as he is and always will be nothing more than a murderer. I on the other hand have never murdered anyone.

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There are quite a few people who have seemingly done amazing things and in some way have been [in my mind wrongly] placed on a pedestal.

For example bob Geldoff, or how about that suffragette woman, why not Beckham? or Ghandi

I'm sorry but the idea of a day to celebrate Nelson is stupid

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