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Best places to go on a Thursday night?

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The answer to your prayers...



This Thursday 19th May @ 'Stranger Than Fiction' @ the Casbah, from 8 p.m, for £1 entry or FREE entry NUS, you get:


* £1.50 pints of coors, reef, grolsch, vodka/mixer, aftershock, jagermeister...


* The 'Unsigned Set' with DJ Webb aka Wiiiiiiiiill of Mothership, where he'll be playing your songs so come bask in your own sonic glory...


* 'These Monsters' playing live with a beautiful rucus of preeeety and big guitars, haphazard vocals, tight snappy beats, melodious basslines and warbling saxophone! N-I-C-E...


* Then 'Corleone' playing live with their beautifully crafted indie post rock canoodlings from one of the most dazzling bands in the city right now...


* Then DJ erm Ian from Kimeera will be playing some of the finest indie/rocknroll/party tunes that he can muster up to encourage boogie boogie boogie and more boogie...


* Somewhere in there they may be another band, but there may not be. This line will be removed and the band added if such an occurance is forthcoming...


Excellent and bargainous news, i hear you cry. Couldn't agree more.

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I know there is a general bad vibe with Wetherspoons but if you like a curry, get thee sen down there. Curry and a drink (pint, bottle, glass of wine or soft drink) for about £5. Just avoid Bankers Draft like the plague, or you might catch it!

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

To see what's happening on Thursdays @ Takapuna, just take a look here: http://www.club-vip.co.uk


You'll not find a better vibe anywhere in Sheffield on a thursday than @ VIP, Takapuna. :thumbsup:


Or try somewhere like The Vine, voted pub of the month in Exposed magazine and host to Dirty Cheese this thursday (19th).

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Hey, thanks u lot!


Ive been to the speedway afew times before, but im 18 on thurs, so i was kinda hoping to go out down town n stuff, first time legally, eek lol..


Takapuna.. I got told that was a gay club???

I like dance, rnb, most music, whatever.. So maybe Takapuna then, sounds pretty funky =D Also, whats the dress code like there on a Thurs??


Full of questions i am =D

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Never been to Takapuna.


Normally i'd stay well clear of the Leadmill.... but Thursday are good in there.


The RnB is really good, the DJ is a rare talent and spins huge urban anthems from Stevie Wonder right through to the new stuff as well... but not underground, all big choons.


Even if you hate the music.... at a pound a drink, you don't care after you've spent a tenner !!!


Enjoy being legal !


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I would describe Takapuna as a gay friendly bar rather than a gay bar merely because of the stigma attached to the use of the term gay bar (and the song always gets stuck in my head - and now is again!!).



It's a bar.

There are some gay people,

There are some straight people

There is alcohol.

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