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Would you live with an ex?

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I'm planning on moving in with an ex of mine at some point and living as housemates, we get on very well. I'm not asking for advice, but I am aware that it sounds like an insane arrangement from the outside so I'm interested in seeing if anyone else has experience of it.


I heard of a girl once who had to continue living with her boyfriend for a while after they split up though luckily they did have a spare room. He texted her while she was out one night asking if he and his date could 'use' her room as she had the double bed, her reply was obvious and then he had the cheek to be offended and say "there was no need for that!" :hihi:


An old friend of mine also broke up with her boyfriend very soon after they moved into the same house. He very blantantly brought in a one night stand which yeah he's free to do but is pretty harsh, especially to do it so obviously.


So, have you or would you live with an ex years (or maybe even sooner) after you were an item but you were still close friends?

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I lived with my ex fiancee and my boyfriend at the time. It worked out pretty well cos we all got along and were all friends, so I can't personally see a problem with it.


As long as you're comfortable with that person, and not going to be offended if they bring someone home / get in a new relationship, it should be fine.


Guess it depends on the relationship!

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I lived with my ex, but initially that was due to a financial commitment of a mortgage, but when that ended I moved out. We lived together as ex partners for 2 years or thereabouts. We got on really well, but I do recall some people being all weird about the situation :D


Horses for courses and all that.

Edited by Agent Orange
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I don't have any exes I can honestly call "good friends" so maybe I'm not the best person to talk-but if you're happy with the situation,go for it.


I personally would hate it-all of my exes, without exception, are people I don't even want to talk to on msn, never mind share a sofa with:gag:


But if you're ok with it, then that's ok-do be aware of the effect it may have on future relationships however. It's not really the norm is it, but as long as you have mutual trust with anyone you may get into a relationship with in the future, then it hopefully won't be a problem.

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I suppose it all depends on how serious you were when you were together.


When my ex and I split we lived separate lives in different parts of the house but never formed new relationships until we'd moved on.


Even though it was over it wouldn't have been very nice to see and hear her bring another fella home.

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