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Freeman of the land

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That was where you accused me of being a lawyer, wasn't it?


Which was incorrect.


And of being part of "the elite"?


Which I am not.


I told you that words in legalese were more specific - this does not mean that the scope of the word is smaller, which is what you seemed to think it meant. You cannot define it without context, because that specificity can change depending on the context you use it in!


Do you pay income tax?


fake edit: when I say "accused me of being a lawyer" that isn't supposed to be derog...oh hell maybe it is :D


1. You still have not rebutted the example of legalese I gave, which clearly shows that more than being specific, legalese distorts words which are used in every day usage. So you're not a lawyer; accepted. You're not part of the elite; accepted. So now those little puffs of smoke screen have been removed ... let's get back to the point of legalese versus common usage.


2. Despite some false belief you seem hellbent on pushing, that I have to disclose personal information on a public forum, I decline your repeated insistence that I reveal my "tax status". I'm happy to debate and answer any issues and share ideas; but there is zero obligation for me to make public, that which is private.


Now I am sure you will take this right and twist it into some "evidence" that I have something to hide, or distort it into something it isn't. Such is your modus operandi.


It is no such thing.

I am simply asserting my right to keep my private matters, private.

Hopefully, that right will be respected.

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yes, why?


Well 'freemen on the land' has always until recently been a reserved title for tramps and gypsies, and maybe the odd random.

Tramps don't pay income tax, neither do gypsies (unless they now live on a campsite).

Homeless tend to rely a lot on donations and peoples good nature.

Gypsies tend to just take what they want.


The new freeman movement is using the law to claim the same title.

I can't see what your problem with them is, especially if you admit to donating towards one genre of freeman.

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Ok fair enough, you could have just put that instead of trying to be clever and claiming that you weren't answering because I wouldn't answer you.


Please, try and understand this.


They are not distorted, they are different. In the same way as a fishcake and a scallop mean different things depending where in the country you are, the language used by lawyers is different (the same in any industry, I should add) to make it


a) easier for a court case to be tried. If they were not, then every single court case would have to have long arguments about what every word meant, because "common usage", as exampled above, changes by location. It is impossible to simply say "here is a dictionary" to decide a court case.


b) Make it easier to communicate between themselves - for example is it easier to say "volenti non fit injuria", OR "the concept that if you volunteer for something, you are accepting the risks that come with it". As already noted, every industry has it's own language, not just lawyers.


c) In statutes, common usage of words means vagueness.


It should also be noted that some of the interpretations of words-in-law have come from common law, which you appear to accept? And they do not have the same definitions as common usage.


I have no complaints about an industry having its own languge. None.

As you state; jargon is common.

It helps define specific, industry functions or the like.


However, I do have a huge issue when the "jargon" mirrors and apes common day usage.


If the Law Society wanted a clear, concise language, which removed ambiguity and vagueness; why choose English and use it in a way which itself creates ambiguity, to the "non Law Society" man or woman?


Sorry; I smell a rat.


When you couple this with the fact that the Legalese is used to author the rules and regs to which normal folk are supposed to follow, then the deception becomes even more nefarious.


Maxims of law are predominantly in Latin ... so why doesn't the Law Society use Latin? Doctors still do when it comes to prescriptions.


At least then, if "we" (common, non-law Society folk) see a Latin passage, we would ask what it actually means prior to signing it. As it stands now, we can see a paragraph and THINK we know its meaning, not knowing that because it is in Legalese, it actually means something different to the every day usage of the same words!!


As I said; they look the same, sound the same and are even used in the same grammatical context... and yet can mean something completely different ... or as you would have it, something more "specific" ... than is commonly comprehended.


I don't buy it ...

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Actually, if a tramp or gypsy earns more than the threshold, they are supposed to pay tax, it is just impossible to enforce it.


I don't have a problem with the idea of it, I do have a problem with people representing it as fact, when it isn't.


Tramps have more than the threshold, I know of one who makes his own currency by using bottle tops and pebbles.

He openly admits he's richer than anyone as he can easily use a twig as legal tender, yet he doesn't have to pay income tax for picking up twigs, pebbles and bottle tops.

It depends on whether you class picking it up as earning it.

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Hi all


I big in to the freeman movement and from sheffield the thing is only today a sor the forrum talking about this which is great if anyone would like to meet up and talk on this subject that would be great because WE have a lot to talk about.

Im putting a Affidavit in to the queen in the next two or three day I hope others will join me beacuse this is very important for the land that is being robbed from us.

I am also the rep for the The British Constitution Group (I cant put a link up but if you google it its first!)

if we can get the people together the queen with step up!!


Im sorry but i have not read the thread bacause im at work but I will when i get home.

If theys anyone up for meeting in a pub or something to talk this over and get a understanding I will chair it so people have someone to shout at LOL

Take Care


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Hi all


I big in to the freeman movement ............


Im sorry but i have not read the thread bacause im at work








OMG classic, ROFLMAO using the mans resources to beat the man






two faced liars of the world unite.

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OMG classic, ROFLMAO using the mans resources to beat the man






two faced liars of the world unite.


The mans resources are already payed for but we better not start that off yet!

and please help me with this stuff roflmao?

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Freeman info and links

UK links



watch this video to understand the game



How to get out of Debt




The British Constitution Group



good people



bad people Common Purpose



John harris I can get him to give a talk if people wish?



the Affidavits i am sending to the queen


and why im sending it



please everyone be the change you want to see in the world, WE can take the power back WE are very powerful. But WE can only do it together.



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