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Freeman of the land

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you don't have to borrow money to pay the principal and over the long term such a course is probably the road to ruin.


my current debt is my mortgage and a few quid on my credit card. I'll be paying off the credit card when the next bill comes and the mortgage in about 10 years, maybe sooner with a bit of luck and once i've done that i will be free of debt!


i may take on more debt, in fact I probably will, but over time i will pay it off and then I will be debt free.




your national insurance number is the identifier by which payments you make to the government are recorded for the purpose of calculating future benefits (pension, jsa etc) to which you may be eligible.


your NI number has got nothing to do with the national debt, though of course some of your contributions may go to service that debt.




i am quite aware that the legal definition of a person, can in some instances, include certain organisations, but it does not apply to every law and in every situation. For example, the Companies Act does not apply to me as an individual, whereas it does apply to the company for which I work and those of which I am a shareholder.


Equally, I can be convicted of murder, but a corporation cannot.




thats rubbish and i really do hope that you know it.




it seems your grasp of English grammar is a poor as your grasp of law.

"Born" and "birth" are just different forms of the verb and relate to the context in which they are used.


Exactly, but that is what the govt do, in order to get the money into circulation in the first place. That interest is most of "the national debt"

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have met one of the posters on this thread who claims to be a freeman on the land, he has no true grasp of the concept neither does he live an "honourable" life, he is a total sham, he is not real, a fake freeman, egotistical and big headed, even though he has not served the paperwork that would help you if you were to become a freeman on the land or from what I heard (from his continual rambling) applied anything freeman related to his life he still claims to be one,

not very honourable "EH"

and boy can he talk crap, dont get him started in a conversation about anything, he cant help himself, it suddenly becomes acts and statutes and guess what, they dont apply,

I went to one of "his" so called meetings, I say "his" because he thinks he is the boss, and he disrupted everything, several of the guys wanted to talk about certain things and it was clear he was out of his depth so he simply ruined the meeting by distracting other group members attention from the actual subjects being discussed, refusing to shut up when he was asked,

I went to one meeting and never again, he put me off completely,

I must say though that this whole freeman thing has some truth to it, it is workable and it does give fair results when applied,

but this bloke will ruin it, he will destroy it from the very core, he will scare away any real genuine freemen and end up with a little group of pretentious followers that see him as god or guru because he has put a video or 2 out onto youtube, who hasnt.

there is only so much you can talk before people want to see actions.

I will say this though, some of the other guys at the meeting had plenty of interesting things to say, very intelligent and articulate, and they had paperwork to prove they had done things, copies of notices sent and the replies they had received, it was a pleasure to meet the rest of them even if it was only once, shame.

keep up the good work true freemen but be aware of the ego that follows you.

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Pseudo-intellectual spongers anyone?


some of them yes,

some of them still claim benefits when the whole concept is about breaking ties with governments, some of them drive without tax, insurance, license because they have always done so even before they heard of freeman on the land simply because they are petty criminals looking for an excuse to get away with it, some of them are arrogant and will not discuss thier research and findings unless it is with a bigwig of the freeman realm, and some of them claim to have done research but cannot back the claims up with substance,

the freeman concept started with all good intentions but has become a Pseudo-elitist movement, with a small group of these guys thinking they are better than everyone else, calling newcomers or people they see as a threat "agents", sadly this paranoia will spread like a virus through the movement and tear it apart very quickly, it will ruin something that has credence and works when applied correctly,

the TPUC guys are brilliant, they understand what is going on and how to deal with it, they are open and honest and tell it how it is, they deserve credit for what they have done,

but there is always going to be a small percentage who stir up trouble and create ill feelings in any group of people and the freeman movement is no different, if you are interested in knowing more about the freeman concept then go to TPUC, they are the people who know what is what in England, they are the guys who are getting it right,

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  • 3 years later...

Hi, is there anyone in Sheffield who would be interested in meeting to discuss these issues? Here is a number that you can contact me on : 07825490293

I look forward to hearing from you

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