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Freeman of the land

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i always thought tape recordings were inadmissible in court,if so the advice is wrong


A recent case I heard about allowed the use of a recording as an 'Aid memoir'.


I myself do not have a tv license. I have a tv, but no license. I am waiting for them to come round to my house to give them some home truths, but apart from a few pathetic threatening letters they leave me alone.


The BBC are committing treason by supporting the European Union, they have accepted money from the EU, which is contrary to the Royal Charter that enabled the BBC to be created. The BBC are supposed to be impartial in politics, but they are not.


So, now you know the BBC are committing treason, if you pay them any more money for a tv licence you are actually Compounding Treason.


Therefor you now have lawful excuse not to pay for a tv licence. There are many other ways to defeat the tv license, but this one will get them running for cover. The wouldn't want you to mention treason in court, on the record, someone will have to look into it, so they will leave you alone!


Another one sorted.


This thread could save people a lot of money if they took this info in.

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Ah, a solicitor? What you say is indeed correct. It is ilegal to drive without a licence and insurance. So why are the police and courts not prosecuting me?






because your that mad man off the internet and it just isnt the done thing ............ ?



not having YOUR consent is irrelevant if the majority agree, and seen as I`ll disagree with every schoolboy point you raise that will cancel your drivel out


simple see.

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A thread where this is being discussed.:wow:


1. Under the Bill of Rights 1689 section 2 clause 12 it is illegal in the first place to give me a fixed penalty fine before presenting me in a court of law so the fine is not valid.


This is incorrect. All that the Bill of rights requires, is that you are given the opportunity to defend yourself. In the case of Civil Parking Enforcement, there is an established appeals process which culminates (if you wish to take it that far) in a hearing or postal decision in front of / by an Adjudicator at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal.

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because your that mad man off the internet and it just isnt the done thing ............ ?




not having YOUR consent is irrelevant if the majority agree, and seen as I`ll disagree with every schoolboy point you raise that will cancel your drivel out


simple see.


Ah, but the legislation you and the majority abide by does not apply to me. You have consented, I and many others have not. That's the rules of your society. I am not part of your society. This is the beauty of being a freeman. I can even start my own society if I so wish or become a member of another society.


I'm not trying to be a smart arse, it's just that good folks like yourself haven't been informed on these things, is all. I'm not telling you fairytales, that's your governments job.


Do you know what the name of your society is? Does anyone here? I bet they don't.


Any solicitors on here know the name of this so called society?


Does anyone here know what your birth certificate is for? Come on, you all have one. You must know what it does throughout your life?


Why do you not know these things folks? Why haven't you been taught these things in school?


Feel free to ask any questions about what I've said.


Peace eh!

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In the case of Civil Parking Enforcement, there is an established appeals process which culminates (if you wish to take it that far) in a hearing or postal decision in front of / by an Adjudicator at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal.


The philosophy of being a freeman is to avoid courts, stay in honour and not pay any penality charges altogether. This can be done with a simple Notice to said parking 'authorities' and getting them to prove their claim against you, by using a conditional acceptance process that they can not dispute, they lose by aquiesance (failing to respond to you point for point) which is completely lawful. This way you stay in honour, avoid the court and any penalties.


This is why when you don't appear in court they find you guilty in your absence. You went into dishonour by not appearing, you lost by default judgement. You should turn up to deny jurisdiction or deny the charges. There's a law maxim that says:


'Those that don't deny, consent!'

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I should also point out that you have basically listened to a single legal opinion, and taken it as fact. If/When you get caught i will laugh as you are convicted.


Here's a mate of mine, like me, is just waiting to 'get caught' by them. He sent his number plates back to the DVLA, made his own up and drives around with no tax, completely lawful:


This is 32 mins of top information, do not miss this folks, De-registering A Vehicle:










Remember, our bill of rights etc are not like the USA one, ours can be altered by simple statute.


Acts and statutes are not laws. They are private rules of a corporation, nothing more and with any corporation they require your consent for them to apply to you! Your contractual consent.


There's always contracts. When you 'register' something, it is a contract. When you 'apply' or fill out an application for something, you are contracting. Anything that has to be signed is a legal document and a contract.


A contract can be written, verbal or implied and contracts require offer, consideration and acceptance. The latter is your consent!


Hope this helps!

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what is your birth certificate is for?


Doesn't a persons birth certificate have a unique number that can be found as a finantial intrument ?


I've read a little on the subject after reading this thread and found it all rather interesting.


Yes, it's all very interesting. What happens when we 'register' (to give up your natural right to something) our children and get a Birth Certificate is the government create a 'bond' or 'trust', called a Foreign Sitas Trust, with the International Moneytary Fund, that has a numerical value to it and attaches it via the 'registered No', to the birth certificate.


This bond is then used to pay for all the childs benefits. Such as 'family allowence', medical bills, schooling etc. The money does not come from your taxes folks. It comes from the banksters who have a contract with the Inland Revenue that say the money will be paid back, with interest, when the child is older and pays taxes. But the taxes are never enough to pay off the debt to the banksters, all your tax does folks is pay off the interest on the National Debt, not the debt itself.


Your income taxes are not going to pay for the infrastructor of this country, as we are led to believe. Private banking corporations are the ones getting your money because we have unwittingly entered our children into bonded slavery by 'registering' them when they're born.


Right, here's the tricky part. When we 'register' our new baby, what happens is the 'registry officer' gives our baby a new name. For instance, when I was born I was called Darren of the family: Pollard


The registry officer didn't put this down on my birth certificate. What he/she did was DARREN POLLARD.


This is allcaps folks. It's not common English. It's legalese. In Blacks Law Dictionary, which is the bible of Law dictionaries. It states the allcaps name is a civil status (in a society - my words) in three seperate catagories:


Capitis Diminutio Minima


Capitis Diminutio Media


Capitis Diminutio Maxima


Gage Canadian Dictionary 1983 Sec. 4 defines Capitalize adj. as "To take advantage of - To use to ones own advantage."


Blacks Law Dictionary Revised 4th Edition 1968, provides a more comprehensive definition as follows …


Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status through the use of capitalization) In Roman law. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man's status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.


Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John Doe) - The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man's family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144.


Capitis Diminutio Media (meaning a medium loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John DOE) - A lessor or medium loss of status. This occurred where a man loses his rights of citizenship, but without losing his liberty. It carried away also the family rights.


Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) - The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.


Diminutio. Lat. In civil law. Diminution; a taking away; loss or depravation.


Capite. - Lat. By the head.


So, when we call someone a person, legal fiction, we are actually calling them a birth certifiate, because that's what it is. Having a birth certificate turns you into a citizen, a person, with rights and duties.


'You are not a person because you are a human being, but because rights and duties have been ascribed to you!' - Blacks Law, 4th edition.


When you reach 16 the tax man offers you a contract, it's called a 'National Insurance Number.' The form you sign for that is in Legalese. This looks just like the English language, but it is totally different. It is the language of the legal corporate system and only looks like common English. This contract allows you to access your bond for 'benefits' if you are out of work. But with these benefits comes the burdon. Such as abiding by the contract you have with the dole office to find work. Such as paying a lot of taxes from your labour.


People don't realise these are contracts that require your consent and if there was not full disclosure from the contractor making the offer and you agree with the contract, the contract is actually null and void because there wasn't full disclosure.


So we sign these forms willy nilly, not comprehending the contract we have entered into.


But these are just rules of one society. You have no lawful compulsion to stay a member of any society if you don't like the way they run things!

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