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Fiddling the social.

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maybe there are tax evaders and cash in hand workers also do they think they are entitled to our money.good accountant beats benefit fraud every time.was it the family who owned the dewhurst butchers chain paid no tax on profits of millions.are the goverment fiddling the benefits system when 500million is not claimed and they use it to bail out banks so the wealthy luvies dont start crying.

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No, not look at me. I was just getting a little sick of people making silly judgments so i thought id share my good fortune and put the council house, dole sponging scrubbers in their place.

Simple really.


After reading your above post (quote=Mr england;4960995) you have left yourself wide open and proved what a complete biggot you are. You are completely in the opinion that you yourself are a cut above anyone else. Do you honestly believe that it is only council house tennants that screw the system. Just look over the past few weeks with the M.P.s fiasco with expense payments, it may be a different style of fraud but the end product is still the same, screwing the country. Get a life and wake up.

Edited by puntoelx
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takes a very brave person to sneek behind someones back and make an annonymous phone call.with the top earners tax going up to 50p guess all you wealthy people will be off to your accountants to see how best to dodge it,or maybe relocate with your wealth to a nice tax haven.

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no comment again about the biggest benefit cheats who use offshore bank accounts safety deposit boxes and any way possible to evade tax.the government failing to pay out 500million in benefits . they know are unclaimed.the same government that as bailed out the wealthy and put the country in debt for the next 10 years.

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