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Fiddling the social.

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We'd all be a lot happier, free of the obsessive materialism and consumerism that enslaves us and with lots of leisure time to enjoy more creative pursuits?


Do you really believe that society just happens magically with no effort from anybody...?


Would you be happier with no food, no power, no water, no gas, no health services, no emergency services, no nothing...I wouldn't...and I bet you wouldn't either.


Some people work for money and value nothing else, some people work for little money, but take pride in keeping their country running and supporting each other...others sit in the shadows letting others work for them and they are the people I despise - be they the underclass or the overclass.


Go and watch Threads if you like - check out the happy people sitting around being creative, amongst the ruins of the society they took for granted...wait 30 yrs and that'll be England. Loads of people sitting on the bog waiting for someone else to wipe their arse...


Anyone depressed because they lost a parent 10 yrs ago, or with a poorly back that stops hurting the moment they walk through the door, or with low self asteem because a teacher told them they screwed their education by messing around, should start contributing to the world they live in...or clear off out of it.

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Do you really believe that society just happens magically with no effort from anybody...?


Would you be happier with no food, no power, no water, no gas, no health services, no emergency services, no nothing...I wouldn't...and I bet you wouldn't either.



Food and water aside, civilisations have existed for thousands of years without all the above. Were we to abandon the concepts of money, governments and administration and simply do things for the collective good of the community we live in rather than for material gain, would it not be a happier place?

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I never said my wife sits there all nice and quiet. She wouldnt be much of a women if she did. My kids arent perfect but they try their best and that will do for me. They are A students but still have their moments like all kids. I dont feel the credit crunch because i earn a very good wage.

So, in summery you got 1 out of 3 right.

You must try harder and stop being so jelous. I cant help it if im a succes and you are a failure:thumbsup:


My friend your wealth means nothing to me. It's a shame your wealth hasn't bought you a education along with it.


I also earn a wage, wouldnt u like to know ;)

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500million in unclaimed benefits every year.30million spent recovering 5million in benefit every year.nothing spent chasing self-employed who do not declare all cash in hand income.if they get in financial trouble simply go into administration and start again under another name.

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Cheers to those who had something useful to say and Boo sucks to the ones who thought it may be them i was reporting to the social so had something less useful to say. I reported the thief today and it felt so good.

With any luck hell be getting a knock on the door and his pathetic life will come crashing down around his ears :D

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My friend your wealth means nothing to me. It's a shame your wealth hasn't bought you a education along with it.


I also earn a wage, wouldnt u like to know ;)


My education has brought me wealth fella and if my wealth means nothing to you then why mention it?

I dont want to know what your wage is either. As long as you are comfortable and happy then thats fine by me. Personaly i think you are poor and bitter but thats your lookout.


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Cheers to those who had something useful to say and Boo sucks to the ones who thought it may be them i was reporting to the social so had something less useful to say. I reported the thief today and it felt so good.

With any luck hell be getting a knock on the door and his pathetic life will come crashing down around his ears :D


''Be nice to people on your way up, cuz you never know when you'll meet them on your way down''


I find it quite pathetic you would take pleasure in reporting him. And this from a guy who says hes loaded?


If you would've reported him straight up i wouldn't have had a problem, it's the way you come across about doing it by taking pleasure in it.


Btw i've been out of work and on the dole my friend, it can happen to anyone, remember that ;)

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''Be nice to people on your way up, cuz you never know when you'll meet them on your way down''


I find it quite pathetic you would take pleasure in reporting him. And this from a guy who says hes loaded?


If you would've reported him straight up i wouldn't have had a problem, it's the way you come across about doing it by taking pleasure in it.


Btw i've been out of work and on the dole my friend, it can happen to anyone, remember that ;)


I do remember. I was there once but i got off my arse and did something about it. Why does me being loaded have anything to do with reporting him or not. Am i not alowed to report dole thieves just because im successful?

Smacks of the green eyed monster to me.:suspect:

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