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Big brown and white mixing bowls

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Well, PANCHEON is certainly more usual, but the Oxford English Dictionary gives a number of variants such as PANSHION - here is a scan.


All the same, I suppose a policeman wouldn't have a TRUNSHION..;)

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A little "pancheon" story from years ago.


The mother of an old mate of mine would use it for all manner of things, stews, pies, puddings etc etc. When John would come in from the pub, a bit worse for wear, he would finish off whatever was in the pancheon for his supper.


He came in one night and thought mmmmm, rice pudding. He proceeded to warm it up and had a taste.......yuk! not very sweet so added more sugar.....and again.....and again.


The next morning he says to his mother, "That rice pud in the pancheon took some sweetening before I could eat it......don't make that again."


"Rice pudding??????", she says, " I used the pancheon yesterday to mix the wallpaper paste in"

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They are still sold I bought one last year from abbotts on abbeydale road it was a big one and was more expensive than the one it replaced which cost iam told 5 shillings (or 25p to those who are young) sorry dont know name for them

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