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Sheffield United match on sunday

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Hi folks


Does anyone know if any pubs/bars in Sheffield city centre will be screening the match?


I had heard that SY Police had advised city centre bars not to show games involving either Sheffield side, or is this just an urban myth?


this is true, I doubt anyone will be screening them.......problems are expected...

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if you go to eccy road the nursery will have it on- so will champs.


This is true, places outside of town will do.....but last bank holiday Eccy Road went berserk, riot vans and drunken yobs all over the place......we had our fair share of idiots in Broomhill too:(

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Yeah- them pesky pubs serving alcohol ALL day ;) ;)


only joking GF.


But if you want a blades pub with good atmosphere try the scholor at the bottom of london road, of the highcliffe on greystones road just off eccy road.

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Don't forget that Cardiff and there lovely fans are also in town to play Wednesday, so I would imagine the city centre will be a touch on the lively side to say the least

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