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Social evening for LGB people from a BME background - Wed 13 May


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Indigo is organising a social evening at Affinity on Campo Lane in Sheffield City Centre on Wednesday 13 May 6.30pm - 9.30pm. The evening is open to all lesbian, gay or bisexual people from a black or minority ethnic background.


Come along and meet others in a relaxed atmosphere.


All genders, sexualities and ethnicities are welcome


For further information please phone 07974 199230 or e-mail indigo@chiv.nhs.uk

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I'd suggest it was to do with the fact that in a lot of ethnic minorities being gay is much more of a taboo still, than in society in general. (Not sure why, maybe as religion tends to be more prevalent amongst minority groups)


My sis is a student (and gay) and does a lot of work with her unis' lgbt group offering support to people from an ethnic background.


Me and my sis are mixed race (british-asian) and it was hard enough for her to come out to my mum, nevermind my Dad (who's iranian) and from what she's said she did benefit greatly from meeting people from other ethnic backgrounds who'd had similar experiences.


So am guessing that may be why...

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