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Mining in Bradfield/Ughill.

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Now before some moderator comes along and poops this post saying Bradfield isn't Sheffield, there's a sign at Moscar Top when yer coming in saying it is

OK....anybody know, or know where I can find out, about mining in the Bradfield parish?

Particularly interested in the mine remains near Ughill where the sheep shelter in the explosves store (sign on it!) and the pits further up towards Strines, both of these sites having metal gates with a letter D on them.

Interesting area to bimble about in by the way, if yer didn't know.


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I know the gates you speak of.


I pass them frequently. The quarry that sits alongside the road to Strines has interested me for years.


I did hear that fake workings were set up in that area, complete with dummy buildings and floodlighting, to trick german bombers in WW2 - the idea being that they would act as a decoy.


As for whether that has anything to do with the quarrying, I've no idea. Can't say I'm familiar with the 'weapons store' though. Where abouts exactly is it?

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Many, many years ago, in my previous life (see log on name) I found out about these mines.


They were actually used for mining clay for use in furnaces, possibly crucibles. I used to know one miner whose surname began with D (can't go any further because of OS Act). Many people thought he was a sandwich short of a picnic but I found him very easy and interesting to talk to. In those days all lorries used to be black but he had hand painted his yellow, so he could be seen - made sense to me. He also had an extensive collection of Bradfield history.

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Your best bet would be to ring Bradfield Parish Council on 2851375 and ask to speak to Malcolm Nunn. Malcolm is the Archivist at the council and is a well known local historian, I am sure he would be able to tell you all about the mines.

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I think the "D" that your refer to on the gates is because the mines/claypits were owned by Dysons refractories at Syannington. I remember the one at Ughill as a working pit in the 70's.


Sanman is right, Malc Nunn is the best person to speak to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for all the info. The explosives store (not weapons!) is on the track running from the first right hand bend as you go from Ughill upwards, just under the trees. It has a rusty sign with stuff about the explosive act on it. More intersting is just before that is a collapse drainage/hole kinda thing with lots of orange coloured water gushing out.

Is there a plot for an episode of Doctor Who in all this? Preferably one where Billy Piper gets exterminated. But I digress, and thanks once again.

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  • 3 years later...


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