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Friendly people

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Just come back from a hol on the mull in scotland, what a fab place to visit! friendly people, no crime , no stress. When you go in a pub people smile and say hello even though they dont know you! people stop to let you pass without giving you verbal. I WAS IMPRESSED AND IT MADE ME SAD to think that sheffield and surrounding areas are now like they are.I was screamed at in crystal parks car park by a very aggresive idiot with two little kiddies the other week. the problem? he was that close to my bumper he nearly hit my car, when i tried to talk to him he just went mad for no reason, pity we cant smile at each other more without thinking its got to be sarcastic.

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The Scots are certainly friendly folk, but it's fair to say that after travelling the world and visiting dozens of countries I have almost always found friendly people. I think if you are friendly towards people they will usually respond in the same way. Some nations stand out though - in my case the friendliest people I have found were in New Zealand and San Francisco. The Russians are friendly once you have "broken the ice" but they are a bit like the English - not very "open" (unlike the Americans, who will often treat you like an old buddy within 5 minutes!)


So I try to forget the grumpy bus driver in Las Vegas and the Little Hitler I met at a Budapest railway station, and remember the New Zealand couple who gave us a night's B & B when we missed the last bus to Auckland, and yes, the wonderful Landlady on the Isle of Skye who made breakfasts to die for and whose life-history was so fascinating!.:)

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Iagree that most people are friendly , just the minority that are rude, or aggresive. my favourite people are ibicians. Every time we go to ibiza we meet even more friendly local folk and over the years a lot of them have become friends of ours.

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