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Charnock Hall Infant/Junior school

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My grandson who now attends Charncok School has recently brought home a form and to celabrate 60 yrs of Charnock school. They are asking for any former pupils 1949 - 2009 to get in touch as they are compling memories and photgraphs taken to display in school for the local community and I am sure that any memories you have would be warmly accepted if you contact them.

My memory is not too good but I can remember Mr Jarvis ( assistant head at the time) and being in Mr Roberts class in the hall, we used to take it in turn to take the Gerbils home in the holidays. Also thornbridge School, Mr Clarke and Mr Hunt - I was in the Jazz band there and used to play the double bass - what looks I used to get taking this home to practice on the bus. Also Our year going on the French exchange to Aloncon ( think this is how it was spelt) with the Westfield gang ). Happy memories

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I went to Charnock from around 1969-1973 (Mr Smith, Mrs Oglespy, Mrs Goudie, Miss Bellamy - for 2 years), then Thornbridge 1973-1977.


I remember almost all the teachers mentioned above (and their first names!). I also have a claim to fame as being the first at Charnock to ge the slipper from Mr Pope. Actually it was the flat of his hand. Three of us were pushing each other as we lined up to go in to class at the end of break. We all got called up, told to "Bend over and touch you're toes". I was the first in the line, we'd have been out of view from the rest of the school due to the wall above the playground, but they'd have all heard us.


As I got older, I got to know Mr Pope and his wife much more. Great bloke, he took us on walks in Derbyshire to all kinds of places that I took my own kids too 20 years later. Anyone also remember his 3 wheeler Bond, a bit like a Reliant Robin?

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  • 5 months later...

I went to charnock school junior and infants from 1965 to 1972 Great school, we always seemed to be going on trips somwhere. I even went to Austria on the school trip in 70-71? any one else go !. I still see the odd face from those days and often go passed ( not changed much) taking short cut through the estae. Mr Jarvis was my form teacher , classroom right down at the botom on the right. And who can remember the house teams : Brindly, Chantry, Hardwick, & Nightingale i think. I was in brindly BUT Chantry allways seemed to WIN. DAYS GONE BY

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I even went to Austria on the school trip in 70-71? any one else go !


Ha, Yes, I went on that same trip. Remember that castle place where water shot out of silly places and just about everyone got wet? I found the place on youtube by accident once and stuck a couple of clips in my favorites. Search for Schloss Hellbrunn Wasserspiele.


Jarvo's son supposedly got pi ss ed and ate half a bar of soap!!!

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