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Regarding Arthur Stevenson.

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Mike 17 looking for Arthur Stevenson. Did he play rugby at all? I'm presuming we're talking about 47-48 era. If it's the same guy, he played hooker for the Tigers and maybe played pro' for a while for Huddersfield. He used to live on Marshall Street and went to Burngreave School as I did. Good lad.

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  • 2 months later...

I remember y mother talking about Arthur Stevenson. She said that his Mum used to call him in using his full name which if I remembering correctly was Harry Arthur Woodcock Stevenson! Dont know why I remember that story from my childhood, strange the things that you remember eah? My Mum was called Alice Patterson in those days. She lived in Marshall St too I think. Her Mum was called May and she had two brothers, Ken Ledwood and Walter who had learning difficulties. I remember her teling me about Peter Stringfellow too, I think he lived nearby although he was much younger than my Mum who was born in 1922. She married my Dad, Arthur Woodhouse in 1928 and moved o Southey Green Rd .Sadly, they are both now passed on .

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I didn't know he had all those names, It was just Arthur to us kids. He was the one who got me into the Tiger colts, but I was never as good as he was, he didn't grow up he grew out, and I don't mean fat either. I dont recognise any of those other names you mention but I do remember the Shaws, they lived just up Fowler St near Blaydon's. Do you remember a butcher called Kramer somewhere around there? Nice to hear someone remembers Arthur though.

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I can remember my Grandma talking about the Kramers butchers although Icant remember any of the stories after all these years. I think the houses round there were all set in courtyards. My Grandad, Walter Patterson used to work at the Royal infirmary in the plaster room and x ray department. I think he used to drink in the Forest pub on Rutland Rd. I used to love to talk to my Mom about the old days and one of the worst things now that my parents have both gone is that all those memories are fading and I will never get them back. If she was still with us she would have loved to help you with your memories of Arthur.

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I lived over on Fox St but I used to hang out over the other side quite a bit. I can remember going in Blaydons with the ration book and spending the spice coupons. I can remember standing at the top of Fowler, looking down the street and not being able to see the bottom for the fog and general murkiness. Playing football on little Hayward Road, sledging down big Hayward Road, indeed, sledging down the whole of Fowler. As the years slide by the memories get sharper sometimes, and it becomes like probing a bad tooth. I looked at 'Google Street View' a while back, it's just grass now, and like there was nothing ever there at all. I can't remember the housing on Marshall St being in courts. I can remember them being built of stone though. The boundry walls had had all the railings burnt off, just leaving big cast iron stumps. There were a lot of courts though, down Woodside Lane, Birley St, always a lot of people around, talking, spending the time of day, kids in the street, you don't see that nowadays. Seems like when you gain something, you lose something.

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  • 1 year later...



I think the man your talking about is my Dad and indeed is full name is Harry Arthur Woodcock-Stevenson. He remembers Alice Patterson, Ken Ledwood and Walter. He has asked me to ask what your real name is Texas. And was happy to hear you say he didnt grow up but out - as hes very proud of that. He says if you would like to leave your number he will ring you to catch up on old memories.





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I've sent you a private message Ikkleangel. One thing though, my Inbox is showing 100% full so I don't think I'd recieve a reply if you tried to. I keep having a go at deleting all the messages, following the instructions, but it still shows full.

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  • 2 months later...

got your private message but it wont let me reply till i got 5 posts on here for some reason ?? sorry not been in touch before but my comp at home on blink and so having to come round to my mums so not been on forum for ages. i told Dad about your reply and he says he would like to talk to you if possible and I was wondering if you had any pics - would be nice to see them - also if your in touch with any other team members

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  • 6 months later...

Dear Texas


it is with great sadness that i am sending you this message - especially as it was only march when we were last in touch about my Dad. Harry Arthur Woodcock Stevenson


he passed away very suddenly and very unexpectedly on Sat 17th Dec - we are to bury him on Tues 3rd Jan - 10 oclock at Christ Church Pitsmoor, internmet at Burngreave cemertry - then wake at Grapes St on Gower street.


i thought id let you know cos when i told my Dad about you talkin about him on here it brought back some very happy memories for him and he said how proud he was that someone remembered him playing rugby. If you can remember any other stories about him - it would be great to hear them - cos as Mrs Grissham says about memories they fade over time and id love to hear more to keep them and him alive in some way.


I hope you yourself are keeping well and wish you all the best for the remaining days of 2011 and all of 2012.


take care and thank you for your kind posts on here


Lynnette (nee Stevenson)

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Dear Texas


it is with great sadness that i am sending you this message - especially as it was only march when we were last in touch about my Dad. Harry Arthur Woodcock Stevenson


he passed away very suddenly and very unexpectedly on Sat 17th Dec - we are to bury him on Tues 3rd Jan - 10 oclock at Christ Church Pitsmoor, internmet at Burngreave cemertry - then wake at Grapes St on Gower street.


i thought id let you know cos when i told my Dad about you talkin about him on here it brought back some very happy memories for him and he said how proud he was that someone remembered him playing rugby. If you can remember any other stories about him - it would be great to hear them - cos as Mrs Grissham says about memories they fade over time and id love to hear more to keep them and him alive in some way.


I hope you yourself are keeping well and wish you all the best for the remaining days of 2011 and all of 2012.


take care and thank you for your kind posts on here


Lynnette (nee Stevenson)

I'm truly sorry to hear about your dad, Arthur. Anything I say now must seem of no consequence but it is a shock. I haven't got any anecdotes about him apart from the ones all ready stated. We only played one game of rugby on the same side and that was for the Tiger Colts back in, perhaps, 1948. I remember it was at a Catholic college somewhere out at Spinkhill I think. I didn't see much of Arthur after that, I think his playing career moved up a notch after that time. He was a quiet lad at school I remember, never got into trouble. Nobody messed him around though, he was too powerful. I'm glad he was happy someone could recollect his rugby days. I hope the New Year is happier for you.

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