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A Charity Dinner for China's devastating earthquake (City Centre 19 May)

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(Chinese speakers please go to http://www.cssa-shef.org.uk/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=108179)



Do you still remember the deadly earthquake which hit China on 12th May 2008? About 87,000 people feared dead in this earthquake that shocked the whole of China as well as the world.


Whilst continuing relief and donation have been given to the quake-affected people since the earthquake, there is still much room to show your sympathy and love!


Now I have pleasure in advising you that there is going to be a charity dinner for the reconstruction after the quake at Wong Ting, a restaurant offering Chinese dishes, in the city centre of Sheffield on 19th May. This dinner is organised by Sheffield Chinese Community Centre, aiming at raising money to rebuild a village primary school (named City of Sheffield Charity School) in Sichuan province which was seriously ravaged by last year's earthquake.


Each table at the restaurant will accommodate 10 people. Rate will be at £200 per table, £80 out of which is to be used to rebuild the school. This means everyone who is going to this dinner will be charged £20, and £8 goes to the school. It does not matter whether you will come alone or with your friends. All welcome.


Please be advised that, with no one but the organiser of this dinner having access to it, all fund will directly go to the school and therefore you will feel secure about your money.


Anyone who wishes to book a single seat or seats less than ten should contact Yili (see below) for further details. Group bookers (ten people or more) please contact Shui (see below).


If you wish to do something kind to the Chinese pupils who are eager to be sitting in their new classrooms, please come along!




Wong Ting Restaurant


Tuesday 19th May 2009, 6.00pm


Address: 6-8 Matilda Street (the Moor), Sheffield, S1 4QD







For a series of reports on the Earthquake, please go to http://www.chinaview.cn/08quake/



We thank you in advance for your gold heart!

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