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Richmond Memories

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Oh happy days! I remember when it was my job to take Mr Stokes his cup of milky coffee mid morning think it was because he had an ulcer or something I really liked him though because he was strict but fair. Bertha Pearson seemed to like me for some reason don't know why because although I liked cooking I didn't really like her, another one was Ma Linecker (sp?) she always used to make you undo your sewing I never did just said that I had and it was always ok when I showed it to her again. Then there was onit Hallat who never seemed to say a sentence with out saying onit and we used to count how many times he used to say it he taught lightcraft another subject that I liked. Art was a Mrs hopwood when I started in 1956 but changed to a male student just before I left but his name escapes me, but I do know he later taught my Daughters at Handsworth Grange. Ma Burns taught PE another subject favourite I loved sports of all kinds but was best at athletics and rubbish at tennis. A teacher I didn't like was Mr Jeffs I can't remember what he taught but I remember he threw a blackboard rubber at me for talking and I put my desk lid up and ducked behind it just in time imagine if a teacher did it nowadays!!

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Oh what memories, I went to Brook 1963-67 I remeber Mr Hollings taught maths lovely man, Mr Gillat science (My form tutor for 2 years), Miss Gould also science, rumour was they had an affair, and she left. Mr Lax music, went on to try armed robbery, was on crimewatch years later. Mr Reece and his wife worked in the office. Mr Clarke RE went on to teach my daughter at Thornbridge school. Those were the days.

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