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My electric meter wheel still moves even when I switch my electric off!

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I have noticed that my electic meter is using approx 5 pence of electric per day even when i have switched my electric off at the fuse box.


Is this normal or am i being charged for electric that i am not using.


I have worked out that at 5 pence a day for 11 years i have been in my property, the extra cost i have had to pay is over £200 at today's prices.


It is not a pre payment meter and i pay for my electric by direct debit each month.


I would have thought that when i switch all my appliances off or turn my electric off at the fuse box, no electric should be being used.


My electric wheel continues to slightly move round when i have done this.


Am i being ripped off?

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Yes, your switch will be after the consumer unit. Even with all appliances switched off or unplugged, RCDs take a small amount of current. Try throwing the master breaker on the consumer unit. Perhaps you have a second consumer unit in the garage? Either that or the previous occupier bypassed the meter for a hidden cannabis factory and left something switched on - have you checked the cellar?


Edit: Not sure why you'd have a master switch after the consumer unit unless it's a bodge of some kind. Whatever, it would appear that the switch you're using simply doesn't turn everything off. It's good that you know that now rather than finding out the hard way!

Edited by Dhimmi
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Why cannot hamsters be used to generate electricity/ Simply wire a hamster's wheel up to the national grid and let it generate power as it moves.


Im trying to be serious here slimsid2000!

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