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My electric meter wheel still moves even when I switch my electric off!

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Sounds like you've got an electrical leak there Joe! Or maybe even a trickle (feed)

I'd recommend fitting new washers to all sockets. £619 from all electrical retailers or convenient yearly payments of £60 over eleven years :banana::clap:


I've already posted my meter is ok, so no reason to do as you say! :)

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The real scandal would be if the electric companies were making 5p a day from everyone. That would be £1,000,000 per day!

I also seem to have this problem of the meter spinning very slowly even when all trips and fuses are disconnected, i need to look into this further. I thought it might be the relay or circuit that controls the off-peak switch but surely they would wire that in before the meter?

Perhaps it's radiation from power lines that encourage it to keep spinning?

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The real scandal would be if the electric companies were making 5p a day from everyone. That would be £1,000,000 per day!

I also seem to have this problem of the meter spinning very slowly even when all trips and fuses are disconnected, i need to look into this further. I thought it might be the relay or circuit that controls the off-peak switch but surely they would wire that in before the meter?

Perhaps it's radiation from power lines that encourage it to keep spinning?


I'd take a serious look at your meter if I were you. Your electricity is obviously running six years late … it could just be something simple like a blocked fuse, electron bereavement, or just plain electron negativity (pun intended).


However, it could quite easily be something more sinister. Look at your meter … is the little wheel thingy spinning backwards, did you have dinner before breakfast, does water from your sink run upward into the taps?

If the answer is 'yes alcoblog' to any of the above, then you're in serious do-doo's … you would appear to be travelling back through time without even realising it! :o

Obviously you've not been feeding your electricity meter with current (no pun) coinage. Try putting 2015 minted 10p's into it rather than 2009 ones.

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Something is bizarre. I think i'm getting a new meter today. Something i forgot to mention is that i am in France. I find the system a bit strange. You have a monthly subscription to pay as well as the electricity and a bunch of taxes. The monthly cost depends on the maximum current you can pull at any one time 3Kw is the lowest and then it go's 6KW and up, depending on which trip is installed with the meter. I am currently on 12KW although i only want a 6KW contract. The cost is approx €7 a month for the 6Kw contract and €17 a month for the 12Kw contract.

I automatically had the 12Kw contract as soon as i started my connection in the new house. I had to pay €27 to get connected (the guy changed some box before the meter, the power was already there, perhaps he also checked the readings). So i phoned up the power company and asked how i could get it changed to a 6Kw contract. They said the technician would have to come out again this time costing €36 or something like that. So it will take me over 3 months just to recuperate that cost although it was only a 6Kw contract that i wanted in the first place. They said it is the only way to do it.

I feel this is wrong. Imagine if every mobile phone came with high monthly subscription and if you wanted to change to a cheaper tariff you would have to pay another £30 just to get it to the way you wanted it in the first place!

Well i am meeting the guy in a few hrs so i had better get up there.

I imagine that its going to be a digital meter this time, i wonder how difficult it is to see tiny amounts of electricity registered on a digital meter.

Did you all know that EDF who are now selling electricity in the UK is French?

I'm sure huge amounts of electricity is being passed through the channel tunnel somewhere. They are the richest company in France and they are not the cheapest provider of electricity. So i thought WTF and decided to go with Direct where i can get green power for less cost than EDFs 90% nuclear power.

I'm still getting ripped off. We phoned up for connection 10 days ago we have not yet moved in and they are charging us €138/month estimated (which will drop after a meter reading and drop a further €10/month after the 6Kw meter has been registered. However they just expect to overestimate everyones electricity (originally estimated by them at €700/year) Also they have put me down as having an electric water heater when i told them i have gas.

The point is that if they take an extra €50 from 1,000,000 people they have a lot of money in the bank and they can use this money to invest in other projects. It's my money not theirs. They are overestimating my bill. + going to charge me €138 for my first month which was only 15 days from beginning of contract and i wasn't even there. Hopefully i will get some of the money back.

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Hi. Some years ago I had occasion to change a mains fuse and I happened to notice in the torchlight that the meter flywheel was still turning. I had a friend who had a meggar and we threw the circuit breaker and switched all switches off and disconnected all plugs and tested. The meggar meter shot across as soon as you started turning the generator handle. It turned out to be damp in the cables. Rewiring cured it.

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Apparently, according to my supplier, you have to wait about 30 minutes after turning the power off at the fuse box/mains, before checking the meter.

The meter has a memory of usage up to the point when the mains was switched off, so it can continue to move for up to half an hour after.

I'll check mine again after the mains has been turned off for at least half an hour and see if it is still registering usage>


Good grief, what sort of waffle is that?..The meter has a memory of usage? So it remembers how much you've been using (note the past tense) and carries on churning away...Just in case it forgets?


My car does that too! It remembers I was doing 60mph and when I park up, it remembers what I was doing and uses another half gallon of fuel! :suspect:

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