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So who is the worst Prime Minister ever?

Who is Britains worst recent Prime Minister  

290 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is Britains worst recent Prime Minister

    • Gordon Brown
    • Tony Blair
    • John Major
    • Margaret Thatcher
    • James Callaghan
    • Harold Wilson
    • Edward Heath
    • Sir Alec Douglas-Home
    • Harold Macmillan
    • Sir Anthony Eden
    • Sir Winston Churchill
    • Clement Attlee

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'gave pople the chance' - not exactly she closed 'em all down. not much choice involved! You may have hated it, many thousands didn't.



wrong she didn't close them all down....any pits and steelworks open today...yes there are...in thatchers day there were too many people working in them....i mean you could nip out to the boozer on your shift and no one would miss you....good while it lasted....

the lads of the late 70s early 80s just moved on to find other employment...and not looked back...

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and the right to have a job?????


I think Thatcher was the worst thing to ever happen to this country.

I see Brown is just ahead of the cow in this poll, in ten years town in any such poll, that is only I think, because he is the current PM.

In 10 yrs time in a similar poll Brown will be well down the list but Thatcher will still top it because she was the woman who broke the country and will never be forgotten.


What an interesting observation. So we have a poll in a city like Sheffield where Maggie is reviled for defeating the miners. Sheffield itself is a city where the Conservatives cannot get a single councillor elected and where a Tory MP is out of the question. This is a forum held in Labour heatland and despite Thatcher being PM for 13 years to Brown's 2 years, and Blair/Brown splitting the anti-Labour vote, still the locals think he is the worst. Just imagine what an opinion poll held in Surrey might reveal.

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and the right to have a job????



There never was a right to have a job, nor could there be. It was exactly that thinking that led Britain into the God-awful disastrous mess that Thatcher inherited, and it was only thanks to the painful medicine she dished out that we ever recovered from it.


When you force a six-year-old to take disgusting medicine in order to cure his terminal diseases, you don't expect him to thank you for it; but it's depressing to know that even after twenty years, so many adults are still acting the same way.

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There never was a right to have a job, nor could there be. It was exactly that thinking that led Britain into the God-awful disastrous mess that Thatcher inherited, and it was only thanks to the painful medicine she dished out that we ever recovered from it.



There might never have been a right to have a job, but there certainly should be one.

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What an interesting observation. So we have a poll in a city like Sheffield where Maggie is reviled for defeating the miners. Sheffield itself is a city where the Conservatives cannot get a single councillor elected and where a Tory MP is out of the question. This is a forum held in Labour heatland and despite Thatcher being PM for 13 years to Brown's 2 years, and Blair/Brown splitting the anti-Labour vote, still the locals think he is the worst. Just imagine what an opinion poll held in Surrey might reveal.


I wouldn't read too much into it, ask them why they hate Labour and you will wait a long time for a sensible response.


Ask them why they hated Thatcher and you'll find plenty of responses.


I guess the power of the media must still be very strong!

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and the right to have a job?????


I think Thatcher was the worst thing to ever happen to this country.

I see Brown is just ahead of the cow in this poll, in ten years town in any such poll, that is only I think, because he is the current PM.

In 10 yrs time in a similar poll Brown will be well down the list but Thatcher will still top it because she was the woman who broke the country and will never be forgotten.


I would say not even 10 years, I reckon within 6 months of the Tories coming to power we'll see those stickers in the back of the car again saying "Don't blame me I voted Labour"

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What an interesting observation. So we have a poll in a city like Sheffield where Maggie is reviled for defeating the miners. Sheffield itself is a city where the Conservatives cannot get a single councillor elected and where a Tory MP is out of the question. This is a forum held in Labour heatland and despite Thatcher being PM for 13 years to Brown's 2 years, and Blair/Brown splitting the anti-Labour vote, still the locals think he is the worst. Just imagine what an opinion poll held in Surrey might reveal.



'.....in a city like Sheffield where Maggie is reviled for defeating the miners'.



This is Sheffield not blinking Baaarnsley! She was reviled for shutting the city's industries down. Most of the closure happened between 1980 and 1984

which happened before the miners were defeated anyway.

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