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Parkin and Bacon

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I know the name Tom Farnsworth but he preceeded my time there. On the Heidelberg Cylinder was Paul Cowley, the platens were manned by Stuart Mitton and couple of young ladies minding. In the comps dept were myself, Horace and Ian Rodgers.

If I recall correctly a woman called Jean ran the upstairs binding, Lottie was the woman who fetched the sandwiches and Ted did the baling of the paper.

Pete Ward had a blue Ford Anglia when I was there, ran a market stall in Chesterfield with his mother. Graham Blyth was the rep, who now owns the business.

Please excuse my ignorance, but what is Heidelberg Cylinder.

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  • 8 years later...

after alot of searching for past people that i worked with was surprised to see this, I am Paul Cowley,i started work for Parkin & Bacon in 1961, worked under Pete Ward , also worked with Stuart Mitton, when I started Tom Cooperwas in litho and Paulette was his assistant, the girls who worked in letterpress were Diane and Margaret, Horrace was in charge of compositors,Joyce Butcher was in charge upstairs with Beryl, Joan,not forgetting Lottie and Ted.

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Hi just found this site i worked at parkin and bacon from 1959 to 1962, i was then known as Betty Downs. I worked in the binding department and remember some of the names that have been mentioned, Marrie? was the forewoman, and the girls names were June Doddesley  Ivy Rooker her two sister worked in letter press one was called Alice, i remember Tom Farmsworth as his feeder, Jack was on the guillotine and he looked after the paper warehouse on the top floor, and Noel was the book binder. Diane worked in letter press with Carol sorry don't remember there surnames but they both came to my wedding, Also i can recall Miss Willoughby and Vanda who worked in the offices. Also Horace and Pete Ward who worked in letter press and also mr smith who came every afternoon, Also joyce took over from Marrie? when she left to have her baby 

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hello toA I started there in  early 62 and worked with Pete and Diane and CarolJoan was in the binding dept along with June and Ivy, also alice worked in the packing dept under mrs Willoghbys office but still cannot place you?.

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