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Old dance halls

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I don't recall the Attercliffe Dance halls but I do remember the Locarno at the bottom of the moor, a regular haunt of mine in the fifties.


Does anyone remember the Azena at Gleadless? I lived on Lister Crescent, a short walk from there, and I was a regular there on Saturdays in the late 50's.


Also The Embassy Ballroom at Intake - I had a few last wattz's there as well.


Anyone go to Constance Grants dance classes and there was a popular dance "studio" at the bottom of the Peace Gardens, can't remember the name. Slow, smoochy foxtrots were a favourite of mine - close and friendly..........



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Wasn't there one over Burtons or somewhere like that?.end of Staniforth Rd comes to mind :huh:....and Benbow, was the "studio" over the Peace Gardens "Alfred Golds".:?:

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Wasn't there one over Burtons or somewhere like that?.end of Staniforth Rd comes to mind :huh:....and Benbow, was the "studio" over the Peace Gardens "Alfred Golds".:?:


Yes it was called the "Astoria"The one above Burtons that is.

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Yes it was called the "Astoria"The one above Burtons that is.


Good my memory's not all that bad then...I never went mind you.


Yes, Joan it was Alfred Golds. I have fond memories of that..........



Me too :love: Friday night, lime and lemon in the "bar" quick snog on the balcony and mad dash for last bus home. :thumbsup:

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Good my memory's not all that bad then...I never went mind you.



Me too :love: Friday night, lime and lemon in the "bar" quick snog on the balcony and mad dash for last bus home. :thumbsup:


The Astoria was a bit rough at times,to say the least.But you could bop.

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Had a few dance lessons at Constance Grants in the 50's. Think it was on West Street.

I remember the Locarno when it was a traditional ballroom before it was transformed into Tiffanys - complete with plastic palm trees!

Also went to the Greystones Ballroom a few times. Sheffield United Supporters Club used to hold dances there in the 50's.

Benbow, I too used to live at Gleadless and frequented the Azena in the early 60's. The admission price was one shilling, if I remember correctly. One day in 1962 a new band was booked and the price went up to half a crown which we weren't willing to pay. What an opportunity we missed because that band was the Beatles! Six months later and they were packing the City Hall. If only we could have seen the future. Never did see the Beatles live although subsequently I have seen McCartney in concert.

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