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The 'All things Bohemian' thread


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Fortunately for you then Sid, ethical meat does tend to taste waaaaay better!


Definitely - worth paying that little bit extra. Free range chicken thighs are far superior to cheap chicken breasts :gag: - and cheaper too, with lower fat and higher protein. Win win - cheaper, better meat - and a happy chuck. :thumbsup:

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Without knowing the ins and outs of your business, veggies are a minority - catering only for them, on the face of it, immediately limits your customers. If that's working for you, great. If times are tough and you're looking to increase business then perhaps going towards a mainly veggie/some meat might work. As long as it's good food at a good price you could be on to a winner. Build it and they will come.

That's just my feedback as a meat-eater who has no business experience of running a restaurant though!


It seems that the vegetarian market is slowing down but you need to diversify to stay ahead especially in these times, and we have had a large request for a meat option that's why we are considering putting it on. We'll be a vegetarian restaurant with a meat option that may be the best way ahead but we do value our customers opinion's henceforth the reason for this topic. Thank you for you're input though and if you down these sides pop in you might like it.

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Hello. I love meat, but eat very little of it as I'm quite health concious, and because I'm fussy about the quality of meat (which means I end up buying the expensive stuff). I'd happily eat somewhere which is completely veggie. However, having a meat option would encourage me to visit - as long as the focus was on quality meat. Just out of interest Bohemian, are you a veggie? I used to go out with a veggie chef - and she was absolutely rubbish at cooking a steak, although she was a good cook on the whole!


Tough one if you've always focused on veggie food, but if by not broadening your potential customer base you risk closure I'd say you've got to sell meat. If the original decision to sell only veggie food was on ethical grounds, there's no reason why this needs to be compromised by selling meat - just ensure it's quality, local and traceable. Whirlow would be a good place to start looking.


Just out of interest, do you do take-out? I'm starving and heading out shortly...!


All he chef's here eat meat we do take-out and we do believe in ethical standards. You won't be disappointed with the food though it's different, flavorsome and simple honest seasonal food. We change the menu every month so that keeps it all interesting and that is what we'd do with the meat option.

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I really hope you don't close Bohemian as i love your food.


A little criticism - Last time i Came a few weeks ago, i think your menu was not quite as interesting as you have been in the past and i understand completely that if you are not getting the footfall through the door why the menu had to simplify.


BUT don't become just another cafe/restaurant because then you lose your unique selling point and I drive across town just to come to you whereas anywhere else i eat because i'm in the area.


I think you do cater for meat eaters through the fish choices that you serve and many people love well cooked veggie food once they've tried it.


A lot of people still haven't heard of you so perhaps a bit of promotion is needed at some of the summer events such as pride today?


Keep the faith. . . perhaps offer the one choice if you need to but don't lose your identity.


Have a look at Hitchcocks in Hull as a very good marketing idea and something i think you'd be brilliant at. This could be an ace way of getting large groups in. :thumbsup:


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Hi Bohemian,


I'm a vegan and I've been to your restaurant a couple of times. I understand if my opinion doesn't count for much because of how infrequently I've visited but I promise I'd have been a lot more if I lived closer!


For me, the fact that you already sell fish means that selling a bit of chicken wouldn't really make a huge amount of difference. In fact, I'm surprised that you're questioning providing chicken when you're already comfortable with putting fish on your menu - what exactly is your distinction between the two? A small amount of meat on the menu wouldn't stop me from visiting you (primarily because vegetarian/vegan options are so slim in Sheffield), but it definitely makes me less keen.


I'd be much more likely to go to a restaurant if it didn't sell meat/fish (or, even more so, any animal products at all) because I like giving my money to people with shared ethics. Plus, it's good not to have to watch the people around you eating meat for a change. The smell of meat/fish cooking is also pretty off-putting.


I understand your economic position so it's pretty much down to what you personally feel comfortable with ethically. I just wish it was easier to own a vegetarian restaurant without going bankrupt. Good luck, I'll come back again soon I expect.

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Keep meat off the menu if at all possible - you're our fave eaterie in Sheffield, as vegans we know that at least 50% of the menu will be suitable for us and it always tastes fab, and there is always something for us for dessert.


Educating the meat eater is key - why not give Bohemian a whirl, try something veggie for once, it saves lives, and not just your own. For all the carnivores who are now thinking "I can't live without some meat", well to paraphrase Barack "Yes you can!"

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I think you have to decide what your pitch is.


Are you a veggie restaurant? If so, you can't (imo) offer fish.


If, however, you're happy to portray yourselved as 'ethically-sourced/organiic' (including fish, beef, pork and chicken) then I think you should say that.


If you're still intending to offer vegetarian food, then you should be able to say, 'all 'vegetarian food' is prepared and cooked completely separate to non-vegetarian food'.


Just my thoughts....

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hi all once again!! i think it really important that we do not cause any confusion! our menu is predominantly vegetarian vegan and fish! but all we want to do is put a meat option on. if only the vegans and vegetarians of Sheffield could have supported us a bit more we would not have to go down this route.


We have lost out on three years of trade to keep to our original concept! this is no longer possible in this financial climate, WE NEED BUMS ON SEATS!


hope this makes it absolutely clear that we are not changing our establishment to a meat restaurant. but only one that offers a meat option.


love and thanks


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Hi all my name is Paul I am one of the Chefs at Bohemian, I would just like to introduce myself, I have 10yrs experience within the catering industry and have worked all over the UK. I have only recently joined the Team at the Bohemian and although it is only a small restuarant it has so much to offer I hope you all enjoy my food if you don't please let me no it is so important for you to tell us otherwise how are we to fix the problems which may occur.

As for adding a Meat option to the menu I believe it has to be done, I may be bias as a meat eater but due to a sharp decline in people visiting the Bohemian ( through no fault of there own ) meat is one of the only options left. Unfortunately vegans and vegetarians are a minority and unless there is a regular custom base it becomes un economical to run a restaurant. One thing that myself and Geoff ( the Head Chef ) will agree to is that we will not reduce the present vegan and vegetarian menu we may even increase the selection rather than reduce we will be a vegan/vegetarian restaurant with a meat option, The Meat will be all Free Range.

thats it from me, I hope to see some of you soon.


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Keep meat off the menu if at all possible - you're our fave eaterie in Sheffield, as vegans we know that at least 50% of the menu will be suitable for us and it always tastes fab, and there is always something for us for dessert.


Educating the meat eater is key - why not give Bohemian a whirl, try something veggie for once, it saves lives, and not just your own. For all the carnivores who are now thinking "I can't live without some meat", well to paraphrase Barack "Yes you can!"


Blimey. That is the most patronising thing I've ever read on SF, and that's saying something!


Imagine eating something that didn't contain meat? Incredible - I really should try that sometime.

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