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Tripe van on manor

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Yes the tripe man was Reuben Short and the family had a tripe shop on Scotland Street.Before he had the van he came round with a horse and dray He was an old school friend of my Dads and used to go in our house for a cuppa and a chat with my dad while i looked after his horse and dray ,he would give me a fist full of tripe bits for looking after them for him I used to love the tripe and onions my mother made best meal of the week

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  • 4 weeks later...

I lived on Windy House Lane in the 1950s and remember the bell ringing of the tripe man - was it Thursday nights? There was also a man who came around with a large suitcase selling sweets door to door.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i can remember him well he used to park on our corner we used to chase him down bassledene road and he would let us ring the bell.He used to keep the tripe in ice and would give us big chunks of ice to suck .Come to think of it now it tasted disgusting but it was in the days when only the wealthy owned a fridge and we thought it was great.

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