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Idaho 2009 (International Day Against Homophobia)

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No i'm not sad i have better things to do in life.


Who's died for your cause anyway??


How about the scores of teenagers and young adults that have taken there lives because they felt they could not be accepted for who they are.


infact according to a survey in Massachusettes in 2006 LBGT youths are up to 4 times more likely to commit suicide compared to there hetrosexual peers


How about those who have been murdered just for loving another man/woman


How about those who are still persecuted for who they love


not to mention the thousands of others who have been tortured for just being homosexual or even just being suspected of being homosexual


it wasn't until the 1970s that aversion therapy was phased out which saw scores of men tortured for something which is natural.


In fact Being gay was only decriminalised in 1967


I am sure it must be a pleasant world in which you live in blissful ignorance of the inhumane treatment of others in the world. I hope your conscience is comfy.

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How about the scores of teenagers and young adults that have taken there lives because they felt they could not be accepted for who they are.


infact according to a survey in Massachusettes in 2006 LBGT youths are up to 4 times more likely to commit suicide compared to there hetrosexual peers


How about those who have been murdered just for loving another man/woman


How about those who are still persecuted for who they love


not to mention the thousands of others who have been tortured for just being homosexual or even just being suspected of being homosexual


it wasn't until the 1970s that aversion therapy was phased out which saw scores of men tortured for something which is natural.


In fact Being gay was only decriminalised in 1967


I am sure it must be a pleasant world in which you live in blissful ignorance of the inhumane treatment of others in the world. I hope your conscience is comfy.


My conscience is good thankyou.

Now go and make your big noise.

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Hope you have a good day tommorow nomis78.

I'll be there making my noise in memory of my belated best friend.

I know he'd have loved an event like this, Homophobic fools made his life hell and I owe it to his memory to do anything I can to educate people.


The centre for HIV and sexual health do a fantastic job of educating and supporting people wether straight or gay and I for one would like to see them working in schools more than they currently do. That way in years to come homophobia and ignorance will be a thing of the past.

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the basic principle is that we have been quite for long enough. Given everything that has happpened over the years and those that have lost here lives fighting for equality, Being silent would almost be a disservice to them




It is because of the people we will be remembering that i can have said life, if it is said to celebrate what they did for us, If it is sad to want to raise awareness and try and make a change for other countries where it is still illegal to be gay lesbian or bisexual, (often punishable by death) then so be it

it wont make the least bit of differance and we all know it,ive never known any group that waffles on so much about being accepted,your here,wear a sign or something if you want to get noticed,it still wont make everyone in the world accept you,sorry ,but thats just the way the world is
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How about the scores of teenagers and young adults that have taken there lives because they felt they could not be accepted for who they are.


infact according to a survey in Massachusettes in 2006 LBGT youths are up to 4 times more likely to commit suicide compared to there hetrosexual peers


How about those who have been murdered just for loving another man/woman


How about those who are still persecuted for who they love


not to mention the thousands of others who have been tortured for just being homosexual or even just being suspected of being homosexual


it wasn't until the 1970s that aversion therapy was phased out which saw scores of men tortured for something which is natural.



In fact Being gay was only decriminalised in 1967


I am sure it must be a pleasant world in which you live in blissful ignorance of the inhumane treatment of others in the world. I hope your conscience is comfy.



Good luck to you all, ignore all the ignorant bigots! Hope the weather stays fine :thumbsup:

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