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Help!! My cellar is flooded!

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Originally posted by WallBuilder

I've been in various cellars with this problem over the years and would suggest one possible solution to keeping things dry would be to build some brick columns and then board over them so freezers and the like are safely supported above the flood levels.

A sump pump which kicks in automatically is also a good idea though they can be rather noisy especially if they decide to start up at 3 AM. I didn't so much jump out of bed but rather bounced off the bedroom ceiling, I thought the house was falling down.


Picked up the pump from Muddycoffee yesterday evening and willbe attempting to use that this afternoon once I get home from work.


Will keep you posted!

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I suggest you put Danzel's 'Pump It Up' on your CD player whilst performing the task. If you don't have it, here are the lyrics you can sing to


Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,


Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up …(repeat many times)


It's not so long ago,

That the sound hit the Nation.

Every Saturday night,

On your favourite Radio.


And the Party's jumpin', Yeah

And the vibe feels so strong.

Throw your hands in the air,

Lift your head up high,

You know you got to sing along.


Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,


Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,


It's not so long ago,

That the sound hit the Nation.

Every Saturday night,

On your favourite Radio.


And the Party's jumpin', Yeah

And the vibe feels so strong.

Throw your hands in the air,

Lift your head up high,

You know you got to sing along.


Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,


Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up…


Got the feeling,

What’s the name of the jam

Say I can feel it,

You know you can

I’ve got my groove on

and I’m ready to go

Check out my right girl,

But don’t touch my radio


Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,


Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up…


And make me feel good

feel so good

And make me feel good

feel so good

feel so good

and what's the name of the jam

Say I can feel it,

You know you can

I’ve got my groove on

and I’m ready to go

Check out my right girl,

But don’t touch my radio


Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You got to pump it up…

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Firstly, you can hire pumps from people like HSS at Heeley Bridge. We're up near the Honda garage in Woodseats and occasionally get about 1 inch of water under really heavy load. One of the local old chaps says he thinks the stream that runs under the Honda garage, then down a gulley past the Hurts Engineering bilding and behind the Big Tree - presumably thence along the bottom of the valley into town, needs gulleying properly. Was done years ago but is now in disrepair. That was his theory for a locally rising water table.


Many of the streets have a stream running under them. Brooklyn Road in Heeley for example. You can hear them if you stand by the manhole vents in the middle of road (watch for traffic though...). In fact you can hear the one near me through a vent in Bromwich Road. It's probable these are a bit silted now too, and run lower volumes of runoff than in former years. I'd imagine in the olden days the place was rather Peak District-like, with rivulets running down the hillsides and rivers in the valley bottoms.


Short of making the Council or waterways bods sort out the streams so water doesn't back up into the cellars, you can have your cellar tanked. I think there are several specialists in Sheffield that do this. Might even be able to get the insurance to pay for this. Twould be messy, but you'd get a dry cellar.

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Originally posted by WallBuilder

I hope you make Muddycoffee a really big rhubarb crumble to say thanks for the loan of the pump. If of course by any chance he doesn't like rhubarb crumble never mind ,I do.


I don't think that a rhubarb crumble made my Msb would do anything to enhance Muddycoffee's day (let alone his digestion). I was thinking more along the lines of a pint myself in grateful recognition.


Having said that - I haven't actually used the pump yet. Keep kinda putting it off as the water is so dank and smelly. Better bite the bullet and get it done this weekend before a new poll appears entitled


'What's that strange smell at Woodseats...?':gag:

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