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Pitsmoor WMC when did it shut?

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Pitsmoor Club closed for thre last time on Monday 28th May 2001when drinks were pre war prices Does anyone know who the future is for the building at present they appear to be clearing the place out. Oh for the days when they were queuing to get a seat on exas eve and new years eve. I think the Loco club closed a while before the pitsmoor club did

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I was a member of Pitsmoor Club for years, about 40years ago we would go there every Sunday lunch and then again Sunday night and odd nights in the week. What great days they were. They had all the top acts on there, I first saw Norman Collier there. what memories.

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I am tracing my family tree and my grandfather lived at 173,Pitsmoor Road.On his death certificate its says his occupation was Club Steward. His name was Henry Butler,he died in 1949.Would anyone know which club he worked at,I beleive it was one on Pitsmoor Road.

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I went in some time after it had closed to do some boarding up after the junkies had been using the place. It was in a mess as they had broken up part of the roof to get in, so there was a lot of water damage. Other than that it was very eerie, like the Marie Celeste ! Lots of things left as they were when they closed the door for the last time. The snooker tables were still there (although covered in syringes) and in the lounge, still stood the Bechstein baby grand piano.


I played drums there a few times with my mate John Turner on keyboards (where is he these days?) One of the regulars in the lounge was Rita May (ex club act and since a regular TV actress) I think she used to go in with her mum.

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