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Who Remembers Ma Bakers Strip Pub On Carlisle Street??

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This place was a lot of fun, for sure! Anybody have any funny stories about this place?
Had a few fun sunday afternoons in there with the lads :hihi:


Few beers, watch the show then off for a curry :hihi:

At one point, I was doing the mixed cd's for the girls :D

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There were some good drag shows there on Friday nights when the place wa managed or owned by Adam of FAB fame. Shame that it didnt last, but I'm glad that its close neighbour and competitor on the Gay /Trans scene, CLUB XES, is still very much here and going from strength to trength!


For a while, Ma Bakers even tried to capture some passing daytime trade for lunches, etc; problem was that although the food was good, it was very basic!


The place has now been turned into some kind of company office, just like the former FAB/dancing Dollar/Planet...

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