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Dove & Rainbow -Whats your views

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The police came round and advised us to call it a night and close completely - not because we had had any trouble, but because there were gangs of trouble makers allegedly in the area.


However we didn't want to close completely and upset any regulars who had bravely headed into town, so hence the effective "lock in" and attempt at looking closed to the outside world! It made for an interesting night :-)

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The police came round and advised us to call it a night and close completely - not because we had had any trouble, but because there were gangs of trouble makers allegedly in the area.


However we didn't want to close completely and upset any regulars who had bravely headed into town, so hence the effective "lock in" and attempt at looking closed to the outside world! It made for an interesting night :-)


I was there that night,i always fancied you yer know!

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Never been in but considered it many times. What sort of place is it like eg venue, music, people it attracts, atmosphere etc?


rough and ready establishment with garden benches inside. lots of the "alternative" crowd hang out, you know, long hair, piercings, unusual clothing, tattoos. the type of people who don't like being stereotyped but are happy to stereotype chavs etc. everyone is friendly enough though. music tends to be loud rock music but they are fairly receptive to requests from what I understand. beer is decent, usually a few ales on, including a couple of guests from microbreweries. standard city center prices.

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Great pub, but those green tables at one end seriously need replacing... they're chuffing lethal! They all wobble (some more than others mind you) and one of them has got just 1 seating bar (when there should be 3) - not good when you've got a fat arse, and not particularly comfortable even if you haven't! :)


Also, you're advertising Goldschlager (a cinnamon liqueur, apparently), but you've never got any in...

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Great pub, but those green tables at one end seriously need replacing... they're chuffing lethal! They all wobble (some more than others mind you) and one of them has got just 1 seating bar (when there should be 3) - not good when you've got a fat arse, and not particularly comfortable even if you haven't! :)


Also, you're advertising Goldschlager (a cinnamon liqueur, apparently), but you've never got any in...


will try and replace them all soon...and we always sell out of that liquer, will also try and rectify that...

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lots of the "alternative" crowd hang out, you know, long hair, piercings, unusual clothing, tattoos. the type of people who don't like being stereotyped but are happy to stereotype chavs etc. s.


but by using the word 'chavs' have you not also stereotyped them??

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