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Free Online IT Courses.. Are There Any?


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Just wondering if there is such a thing on the net?... I am fairly competent with PC's, but other than a Distinction I got when I left School I don't really posses any Qualifications in IT.


Monies abit tight, so can't really sign up for a College Course come August/September & as I am off Sick from work just thought I could do something constructive with my time.

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There are more tutorials on the internet than you can shake a stick at. It really depends what you would like to go into. Photoshop, web-design, programming, unix etc..

Though as far as I am aware if you want some sort of certificate you're going to have to spend some money.

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There is such a wealth of learning material available for IT, as long as you have some self motivation and basic google skills - you can learn better and faster than you would in a class room, plus you can pick topics that actually interest you, giving you more motivation :)

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If you're signed off, can you not get help with course fees?


If only.... but then if your studying at a place of education (School, College, Uni or similar) for more than 16 hours per week, your classed as unavailable for work and they will stop your money...


in answer to the OP... do what I do, Think of something you wan't to learn (I picked PHP/MySQL last) and do some research online for the tools you need, set them up, find some examples and tutorials, have a play and teach yourself :)

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If you're signed off, can you not get help with course fees?


Don't think so?.... As I am not getting any benefits, I don't think I am eligible.


As far as what sort of course, well something like word processing or the like, Spreadsheets etc... Office Applications really. I know there's guides how to do most things on the net, but really want a Certificate/Qualification at the end.


Thought about having a word at the IT place that used to be called Square Mile at the Hillsborough Barracks, but not to sure whats its now called anyone?...

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Just wondering if there is such a thing on the net?... I am fairly competent with PC's, but other than a Distinction I got when I left School I don't really posses any Qualifications in IT.


Monies abit tight, so can't really sign up for a College Course come August/September & as I am off Sick from work just thought I could do something constructive with my time.


I did Word, Excel, then onto Advanced Excel 4/5 years ago free online. I am now doing Dreamweaver, Flash, Graphics, Level 2. This has took three attempts to get on to.


It is government funded and depends on your postcode. If you dont complete the course you will have to pay though.

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