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Jeremy Kyle show about the postcode gangs

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the solution is if you are caught with a knife -life imprisonment without parole,and if you stab someone -it should be the death penalty-no matter how old the criminal is.


this country is far too soft on criminals .


totally agree but we need more bigger prisons and the govement would rather spend the cash on illegal imigrants :thumbsup:

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The problem now is a total lack of respect for other people and there belongings and the reason for this? theres no consequences for there actions, the law is as good as saying do what ya want as long as ya under 18 and if ya over we might send ya to a nice hotel where ya can meet like minded people for fun and games!

Years ago teachers could clip ya, coppers could clip ya there was something to fear now in our ott "pc" world even ya parents cant punish ya without being questioned. I watched the kyle thing and to be honest as a parent i found it quite depressing that i have to let my child out in to this world which is full of brain dead scum like the ones on kyles show, ppl who think its big and clever to act like filth stabbing and robbing and fighting, im not old and i did things when i was young but nothing that hurt ppl i may have got drunk in the park and thrown up everywhere but i didnt damage ppls property or stab ppl, i just think if we carry on the way we are we will end up like america and the next celeb to visit sheffield will be ross kemp "gangs of sheffield"!

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bring back national service!!!! that will give youths the discipline that is now sadly lacking at home and in schools! its a very small amount of youths that turn out this way, i admit. whilst the police wont punish them until they are of age, parents are no longer allowed to discipline them and schools have little power anymore, nothing will change. Look 20 years in to the future, are we going to be scared to go out after 7 in the evening? i think twice about it now.


people are always saying that they have no where to go and thats why they hang around but i dint think its that at all, you can open a community centre and do a teens club but they wont go to places like that! no one to terrorise!


when i was in my teens ten years back, i knew what discipline was, i feared the police and i feared my father if i did wrong, nowadays they just dont give a toss!

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The Manor has the highest rate of all crime in Sheffield, not Pitsmoor like people seem to think. Manor and Arborthorne tops the reports every single time!!!



Stop talking tripe idiot:loopy::loopy::loopy:

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