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Jeremy Kyle show about the postcode gangs

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It would be usefull if there were facilitys/access to sports so these kids to join together to do something positive.


Sport is a fantastic way of breaking down barriers, bringing people together and best of all it gets rid of the kids excess energy.


When I was a child I joined sports clubs and there were kids from all kinds of backgrounds in attendance, and we all came together to do something positive. I can even remember someone's dad, giving us free football lessons on the local park and it was great fun. The man was an ex-player doing something positive for the kids, and we enjoyed playing the game.


Sadly, these days there is little or nothing to do for kids, thanks to the compensation culture there are no sports clubs. Despite the fact there has never been so much money in sport, there has also never been so few facilitys to access for people at grassroots level.

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Jeremy Kyle actually left the studio and the safety of ''EXCUSE ME - it's my name on that wall isn't it?''

He's such a hypocrite... didnt he used to be a heroin addict or was that his brother?




He did have problems, however he turned his life around.


To me, that deserves respect

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A friend of mine fell victim to one of these gangs last week, he's 42 all he remembers of it is waking up in the ambulance minus his wallet and car keys, the police are powerless with these groups and they know it, before long there will be vigilante groups springing up.

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Knife crime..FULL STOP.. is wrong no matter how small


How ironic that you chose a user name that is (in itself) a knife:hihi:


i think it really makes you realise what a state this country is in when young children are pretending to shoot people and stab people, with there fake guns and fake knives, i just find it so sad!


When I was a child, I played with fake/toy guns & knives.


I've never shot or stabbed anyone (nor have I ever had the inclination to do so).


I watch this program has my partner told me he was in Sheffield


We don't know. Has your partner told you he was in Sheffield?

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Actually theres something I dont like about Jeremy Kyle, I think he means well, but something slimey about him!:suspect:


I know what you mean. He gets too irate then changes which side he's on and gets irate at the other side.

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Why do they say that then, eh? eh?:o


Little pervs. You must be very proud of them.


Obviously I don't mean the pervs :hihi:


Sorry about that.


Saxon it aint hard to work out love :hihi:


Bladesman, i actually hate them, well they can be fun sometime but, they just attract these little chavs its annoying!

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i actually witnessed last night some trouble in burger king, there were no guns or knifes but the kids were so disrespectful, and it ended up in a near brawl with chairs flying about and so on........its just find it embarrasing that kids are growing up in this way. I mean i am still pretty young, 21 years old, i have been brought up well.

There needs to be something in place, in communities, where postive influences can be passed on to young people, i think that is the main problem, the wrong influence in a young persons life. No role models, these kids need help.........or its just going to get worse

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