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Jeremy Kyle show about the postcode gangs

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i lived in s5 for 19 yrs so glad i moved away it was bad enough then it must be a hell of alot worse na i think wen you live with it you just r used to it and neva see the bad side its only wen youve moved away that you realise yes ther is alot worse areas bt the show focused on the one place wer crime is rife at the moment im so glad i live in a village wer ther is no knife crime i wud neva let my kids out otherwise these kids dont realise the harm ther doin to them and others wen they carry knifes

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You mean the kids that are beating shoppers up and smashing cars and breaking into huts, I think the people living nearer the shops wont see it like you do.



funny you say that i live on the next road my house backs on to the waste land and i have even walked round to the shop before it closes (on my own) and not had any problems at all. i am not saying they course no trouble im saying ive never seen any.


actually no sorry i have ONCE and what was just kids fighting with them selfs not any members of the public.

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I aint going to watch any Jeremy Kyle, but this denial about the rising crime in Sheffield hasn't just been noted by him, The Times were on to this last year. The noteworthy thing about is is that whereas Liverpool, Manchester etc accept there are issues and try to deal with them, Sheffield has been denying it until now. You can't do anything until you wake up and see that kids have been killed.




I did watch the programme. And he went to the council and they spun the usual line of "not as bad as Leeds" etc. - So what? We’re not talking about Leeds, were talking about Sheffield. Leeds is as relevant as Los Angeles is.


The council came over as though they were in complete denial that there is any sort of problem at all.

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Agreed Mathom however this kind of behaviour is tribal and restricted in the main to a certain 'type'. Having just had this conversation with the OH, my lad is coming onto 15 and as opposed to wearing tracksuits baggy jeans and baseball caps he is to all intent and purpose an old fashioned metal head. He looks different, keeps his head down, him and his friends main passion in life is music, the playing of guitars etc and looking that little bit different.


Not sure why but they don't do the hanging around the streets thing, more often than not its meeting in each others houses to play music and chat about 'stuff'. I'm not saying he's an angel but fingers crossed he is respectful and keeps himself to himself.


I think the 'street culture' which was referred to in JK show today leaves alot to be desired and I thank god my kids have rejected that as being sheep like and just a little bit stupid and have gone the way of the rock route.


That's the thing, they're more likely to come into contact with it if they are hanging out with the lads who do this stuff and who see it as the way to be. Not many (yet, anyway) get attacked for 'not fitting in' so that's one way to keep out of it.


Which is why I have to point something out here:


actually no sorry i have ONCE and what was just kids fighting with them selfs not any members of the public.


That's what this is about, lads fighting amongst themselves, not running amok and hurting members of the general public (though this has happened), but attacking lads they know.

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With respect to the ladies on this thread, I think the reason you don't have a problem with the odd few lads on the street corner is because you don't feel threatened by them.


If you're asked for a cig by one of a group and you tell them you don't have any. What are the chances of you getting your head kicked in?


I'm sure I don't speak for myself here. But everytime I have the displeasure of walking past an intimidating group of lads, I think to myself,


1. Are they going to ask for the time. Then try to nick my phone when I get it out?

2. Are they gunna wind me up in the hope they get a reaction from me. Then when they do they're gunna jump me?

3. Are they just gunna stick one (or a few) on me cos they're bored and it'd be fun?


Touch wood none of the above have happened to me. Possibly because I'm a tall lad. But it doesn't stop me from feeling intimidated. I just don't think females feel quite so intimidated. Purely because they know 'lads won't hit lasses'.

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