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Endcliffe park outdoor swimming pool

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The pool disappeared, a long time ago.


You can see roughly where it was, at the far end of the flat (ish) field (which is currently looking a real mess, due to the digging works.)


it was sited near the statue of Queen Victoria, by the wooded area.


It had definitely gone by the late sixties, or early seventies, when I used to play in the park, as a child.



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I lived near Endcliffe Park from 1949 to 1980 [with a few absences]. I remember that part of Endcliffe Park , near Victoria's statue. The entrance to the park was roughly where the centre of the traffic island is now. When we were about 8 to 11 years old [1949-1953 ] , the old swimming pool fencing was still there , just as someone said -----on the right where you go in the present day entrance. All the fencing was rotten and falling apart by 1950 and we used to play chasing and Hide and Seek round the perimeter.

However , I do remember , vaguely , being told it was a bit dangerous and I THINK there was still some water there in the bottom--------but it's a long time ago , so could be mistaken.

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The pool was closed about 1936. 1937 a very hot evening as kids 10 or 11yrs old we got over the wood fence for a swim,it was very dirty,even a dead cat floating on the top.The park keeper chase us off. Would like to know the date it opened,was it for Males only.

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Originally posted by kenjenkinson

The pool was closed about 1936. 1937 a very hot evening as kids 10 or 11yrs old we got over the wood fence for a swim,it was very dirty,even a dead cat floating on the top.The park keeper chase us off. Would like to know the date it opened,was it for Males only.

Can't help on the date, but it was definitely men only!
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Originally posted by kenjenkinson

The pool was closed about 1936. 1937 a very hot evening as kids 10 or 11yrs old we got over the wood fence for a swim,it was very dirty,even a dead cat floating on the top.The park keeper chase us off. Would like to know the date it opened,was it for Males only.

Hi Ken, still no firm date but apparently ithe mill finished working in the 1880's, and the dam appears marked as a swimming pool on the1903 OS map. Hope that narrows it down a bit:thumbsup:
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Originally posted by kenjenkinson

The pool was closed about 1936. 1937 a very hot evening as kids 10 or 11yrs old we got over the wood fence for a swim,it was very dirty,even a dead cat floating on the top.The park keeper chase us off. Would like to know the date it opened,was it for Males only.

Hi Ken, still no firm date but apparently ithe mill finished working in the 1880's, and the dam appears marked as a swimming pool on the1903 OS map. Hope that narrows it down a bit. Incidentally there are a couple of photos of the pool on Picture Sheffield, search under 'swimming'.:thumbsup:
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