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Scramble bikes being driven on pavements without light/helmets/plates

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We have a lot round here too.

The other week one came round a corner, with three guys on it. The front one was wearing an helmet, but as he was going round the corner, he took off the helmet (so he was one handed) and passed it back to the person on the back (who looked like a young teen).

There's a few different ones at this end.

Not only are they danger to someone else and to themselves, they're very noisy too - the noise goes right through me.

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That reminds me.. last week whilst walking to Meersbrook park I saw a bloke of mature enough years to know better coming down Pearson Place on a motorbike with his helmet on and with plates lights etc, but with a young child sitting on the tank with no helmet. He turned down Cliffefield Road so I assume he was dropping his progeny off at the primary school on Derbyshire Lane, but goes to show, you don't have to be young to be a bloody fool or to be ignorant of the impact you actions have on others Mr Sainsbury's Muffins are fantastic. In fact isn't being unable to anticipate the impact of your actions on the environment around you a recognised mental disorder?:loopy:

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I had a few mates who rode unegistered, untaxed, unMOTed and uninsured bikes.

They ALL turned out to be a waste of dole money.

Sroungers, thieves and alcoholics.

I am sure they are a small number of kids who ride bikes like this who will grow up to be useful members of society; but I won't be banking on them.

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2 years ago my friend encountered one of these idiot, he ran into the side of her car and done over £300 of damage, the little idiot driving the bike got up and rode off, he was about 14! there were 2 off them on the bike with no protection at all.... today i saw a guy riding one of those 4 wheel things with his little boy who was about 4/5 with no helmet on at all and they nearly run an old lady over!!!

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Hmm, what about cyclists, they use the road. I've always thought there was a case for them requiring insurance a sthey are also capable of being the cause of accidents - although, before I get a tirade of angry cyclists, I know that it is probably the fault of the motorised vehicle more often than not - even so, can any cyclist hand on heart say that there is no way that they could ever be inattentive or careless enough to cause an accident? If so I suspect they're lying

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Originally posted by John

I almost hit one going up East Bank Road a few months back when it shot out of nowhere with no lights in the dark to mount the pavements and drove all the way up with no helmet on with some kid on the back.


Has anyone else had a close encounter?


unfortunately this is a constant occurence round here - a while back the police did some sort of operation to round em up and take their bikes off em.

the peace and quiet lasted about 3 or 4 weeks, then the police left and the little tw#ts came straight back.

every week we here about someone who has had a near miss........usually elderly or infirm.

couple of years ago, one of the little bleeders was knocked off a bike and killed at the junction with east bank and arbourthorne road - didnt deter any of the wasters though - they were out as usual within a couple of days.


thing is, its not mischief these tw#ts are doing - its out and out dangerous; its not 'fun'........their sole intention is to cause distress and harm to people.

and it doesnt just happen in the evenings...its all hours of the day - morning, afternoon.....in fact they seem to enjoy causing major disruption to my elderly neighbours days.


they want locking up, but unfortunately the courts see them start crying when confronted, and are too lenient with them.



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