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Sheffield co op hillsbrough

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the co-op at hillsborough opened a long time before the 80s, it was open in 1967 when i first came to live in the area and had been open for years then.


I mean when it re opened after a re vamp in about 1988 ish.

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I worked here 1982/83. I was on my first youth oppertunity scheme after leaving school I had to do 2 weeks training at coop training centre on rothay rd ,then had to work at castle house (hell on earth), then had to work at nearest grocery branch to where you lived. It was in the middle of being modenized but was still only a food store. stock was kept upstairs which was a bit spooky going up on your own. Staff room was in basement. It was a nice to work and the staff were ok. There wasn't many staff worked there so they decided to take more staff on. They interviewed me and the other girl on the course but didn't give us the jobs. Remember feeling it wasn't fair we wern't taken on.

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I worked here when it was re-vamped, and became the SuperStore, that would have been 1988. Mr Richardson was then the store manager I think Mr Wilson was the Deputy Store Manager.

I still live round Hilsboro' and pop in sometimes, there's still a few faces that are there when I worked there.

I worked the fruit and veg dept which was moved at least 3 times!!

Des Gibson was my manager then.

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I worked there in the butchers department.I cant remember the name of my managers name memory not what it was lol.I worked with a lad called Darren and a young lad on a goverment scheme we had a right old laugh there.Mr Richardson was manager when i was there also.

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