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The new Islam megathread part 3

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What do you think we ought to do about Islam?

As with all other ideologies which seek to dominate the world and end liberty resolutely oppose it. Whenever possible through the use our right to free speech in all its forms, when necessary through the use of force.

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As with all other ideologies which seek to dominate the world and end liberty resolutely oppose it. Whenever possible through the use our right to free speech in all its forms, when necessary through the use of force.


Are there any other ideologies which you would consider opposing through use of force?

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You will agree tab1 (not sure which version I'm talking to as there seems to be at least three of you!) that using the 'R' word to try and insult me makes you look more than a little foolish? Why am I a thicko?

Why? For posting crap about tab1 being three versions of me, now that is absolutely thick as thick can be. If you support BNP, now that alone qualifies you of being opposite of intelligent


Of course they were. Just reference Osama Bin Laden's great vision of the world. Jihad ring a bell?

Since I did express a willingness to explain I will persist. Osama bin laden is no leader of Muslims but an American owned boy turned rebel. Jihad is translated as a "struggle" to better one's self. If it rings any bells in your head then that is the effects of what the media has taught you rather than what Islam says Jihad is. To be aware of your surroundings and to oppose all wrong be that by actively stopping it happening or asking others to or at least disagreeing with what you regard as a wrong in society. To challenge evils of society is Jihad. It can be to try and stop drug selling to kids on street corners. To struggle to stop smoking or to control your desires is a sort of jihad. The Muslims use the word for what it is meant to be but the Western media has hijacked it to say suicide bombings, or mistranslated it as a holy war. Terrorism is terrorism and wrong and forbidden in Islam, it is not Jihad, and for you to regard it is a bit simple.


What drugs are you on?

Jihad capsules, to stop allergic reactions against racists. I can't stop sneezing when I'm near one.


Isn't invaders what the BNP calls Muslim immigrants to the UK?

Probably is, but is there an invasion by Muslims? If you do believe there is then that is another reason why I regard you as not very bright..


Rubbish. Ireland was primarily about territory and who it belongs to. Religion, for your information, is a tool used by despots to demonise, humiliate and especially subdue the worlds population. Reject its evil influence!


Errrm, you mean Palestine fiasco to create Israel was about the Muslims hating the Jews? The invasion of Iraq was about the Muslims invading Britain or the USA?No sir, It was all about political control and nothing to do with anything that the Muslims had done. The other invasion in Iraq was in order to control oil and the wealth of that nation. If you can't see that then there you have a third reason for my regard for you as BNP supporter, thicko.:hihi:

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Are there any other ideologies which you would consider opposing through use of force?


I think I'm with Plek here and for me, yes there are others: fascism, racism, the ideology espoused by those 'Jesus hates fags' freaks in America, etc.


Hatred is not so bad when directed at injustice.

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Are there any other ideologies which you would consider opposing through use of force?

Any and all ideologies which threaten liberty. My father served to preclude communist aggression, the generation before his fought and died to militarily defeat fascism now thanks to them we can keep those malignant ideologies two in check primarily through free expression.


For the foreseeable future aside from domestic threats such as creeping statism or corporate plutocracy which can be fought largely through free speech the greatest threat to liberty I see is Islam. Which can hopefully be defeated and reformed as European Christianity has been with a minimum of violence (not to say that I think it didn't take violence to tame European Xianity just that I hope Islam can be tamed with a minimum of it) though as recent history has demonstrated Islamists are all too ready to use violence and consequently we have to be ready to do the same when necessary.

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I think I'm with Plek here and for me, yes there are others: fascism, racism, the ideology espoused by those 'Jesus hates fags' freaks in America, etc.


Hatred is not so bad when directed at injustice.

Damn straight, unless you are superhumanly persuasive and can talk anybody out of killing you and playing nice the use of force can ultimately become necessary when facing an ideology implacably opposed to liberal democracy.

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Yes and? This is a clear example of convert or die ordered by your prophet himself is it not?

Liar, No it's not as clear as you make it out to be, it doesn't order Muslims to commit murder of every non Muslim. Out of context statements don't make sense and you should know that, of course you do know that but being disingenuous aren't you? The order, even though you are reading it out of context is not from the Prophet.


You cited a centuries old example of Christians saying 'convert or die' why am I not allowed to point out an example of your prophet saying the same? Do muslims not regard Mohamed as living an exemplary life, 'convert or die' included?

PT's example was valid as your quote was even older than the PT's centuries old one, and the inqusitions historically proven to have taken place. There is no convert or die order that applies today, and you know it so stop lieing.


'tolerant' by what standard? Do you deny that under Islam 'tolerance to other faiths' means restricted rights and punitive taxation or Christians and Jews and persecution up to and including 'convert or die' for other groups? That might be 'very tolerant' by the standards of 6th century arabia by the standards of 21st century Europe however it is appallingly intolerant.

Yes Islam does not restrict other faiths. You are one confused cookie who is mixing up the state laws of the caliphate with Islam. Even then they were far more tolerant than the BNP manifesto put forward in your modern utopian BNP society.



Not for want of trying, we are mercifully free from an apostasy law here thanks to the fact that numerous attempts by Islam to conquer Europe were defeated. But you are simply trying to duck the question regardless of whether or not muslims have been successful of imposing such a law upon our country what is the punishment for apostasy under Islam?

Rubbish, yet another made up lie from Plek, Islam has no apostasy law, but the Caliphate did and you clever cookie fail to see the difference. The Caliphate doesn't exist anymore and you clever cookie hasn't noticed that little fact, so no such law applies from Islam.


How can you argue that a religion which punishes those who leave as adults the religion they were told they belonged to as children doesn't compel people?

Islam does not punish people for leaving Islam, more lies, you are a pro aren't you Plek at making stuff up to suite your Islamophobic agenda?



What complete rubbish, by no means do all religions specify brutal punishments for those who leave or indeed any punishment whatsoever. As for humanism that has no doctrine of punishing those who convert to some other way of thinking atheism has no doctrines of any kind.

Please remind all of us what has been the punishment for traitors till recently in Britain Plek?


.................More boring Islamophobic tripe..............

Quite a picture you paint of Islam Plek and if I were not a Muslim I might even believe you but unfortunately for you I live the life of a Muslim and it's nothing like what a liar like you wants to portray it as. You have used out of context scriptures and don't seem to know the difference between Islam and the Islamic state Law that is now extinct, but you use it to frighten the unsuspecting forummers as though it still applies. You are one of the most disingenuous people I have come across Plek, so go and do some research and bore us with quotes from more dictionaries again.
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