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The new Islam megathread part 3

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Widespread reports doesn't prove widespread practice; besides which, most of the stuff about beheadings, ill-treatment of women and so on, is cultural, and existed long before Islam and would still exist if Islam were wiped out.


Britain is a nominally Christian country, with widespread reports of youth crime, murders, vandalism, gang fights, football hooliganism ... ample proof, by your argument, that Christianity is an evil religion that should be exterminated.


Maybe if people weren't so nominal about their faith then there wouldn't be the crime, murders, vandalism etc etc

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Tab1 do you agree that basically the Bible and the quoran are basically the same book although granted changed to suit the ,shall we say geographical areas.For instance you have Mohamed as the big cheese,Christians have Jesus Christ.


Nope - Muslims do believe in Jesus and believe he was a good guy but the bible and the quoran are definitely not the same.

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Like the right to free speech accorded to the Luton protesters at the soldiers return parade?Wow democracy does work well!

I didn't agree with that deemo but it's funny how you harp on about free speech as though you would defend it come what may. No sir, it's only free as long as you agree with it.

You mean like Rushdie, the cartoon drawer and the woman who called a teddy Mohamed where Muslims demanded her execution?

And muslims leave this country to fight our soldiers for killing their fellow muslims whilst at the same time the current muslim national sport of suicide bombing that kills dozens + of muslims on a daily basis is sanctioned by muslim clerics.

You really are a sad bitter person a typical Rebel without a clue.:loopy:

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Maybe if people weren't so nominal about their faith then there wouldn't be the crime, murders, vandalism etc etc


Like in the "good old days"


It is inescapable that the countries with higher levels of religious fundementalism are those with the highest crime rates

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No religion is the way forward. Not Islam, Christianity, Buddism, or Scientology.

Teach flippin SCIENCE to people, and they'll soon realise that nope, the earth isn't only 6 thousand years old created by some random guy in 7 days. And no, ancient foscillised dinosaur skeletons weren't planted by him. Nor is the earth flat and the university doesn't revolve around the earth.

Maybe people will then stop blowing things up in the name of some made up writings by some bloke from 2000 years ago.

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No religion is the way forward. Not Islam, Christianity, Buddism, or Scientology.

Teach flippin SCIENCE to people, and they'll soon realise that nope, the earth isn't only 6 thousand years old created by some random guy in 7 days. And no, ancient foscillised dinosaur skeletons weren't planted by him. Nor is the earth flat and the university doesn't revolve around the earth.

Maybe people will then stop blowing things up in the name of some made up writings by some bloke from 2000 years ago.


That is true, but who created the dinosaurs?

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