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The new Islam megathread part 3

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I think you’ll find that the post you quoted is a response to this assertion. I asked if Christianity can be blamed for attacks on Iraq? Not one without the other, it just wouldn't be fair would it?:suspect:


You do seem to have an unhealthy fascination with strawmen Jimmy;)


But it's not relevant because we aren't arguing that 'islam is worse than Christianity'. We're just arguing that Islam is bad. Comparing it to Christianity isn't relevant and is just you trying to take this thread down a different road.


I'll stop pointing out your strawmen when you stop making them.

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And of course any Iraqi fighting to defend his country is doing it because of Islam and not because they are being invaded. Any Palestinian fighting for his homeland, is doing it because of Islam and not because a whole people were kicked out of their own country. Any Muslim doing anything wrong anywhere in any country, is because it's Islam that is telling him to do it and nothing whatsoever to do with politics of the world.

Open your eyes to the reality of life, and demonising a religion and by misrepresenting reality, the problem isn't going to be solved. The solution will be found by working together to eliminate injustice that breed resentment and hate in the world around us.

There you go again!


You claim to be quoting yet your garbled gobbldygook has nothing to with my reply that you're supposed to be quoting from.See below what this poster is supposed to be replying to:-


"This had nothing to do with Christianity; oil maybe, Christianity no!"



As I said 'There you go again"

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He means Muslims have not got control of England and English law, but if they did we would not know the difference between our country and a Muslim one.


Would you like that to happen PT?




When you refur to Muslims as 'they' you seem to be conceptulising them as a single group.


Describing Chrisitians as 'they' means grouping billions of people together from hundreds of different countries, implying that a Christian in England has something in common with a Christian in Africa.

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Personally i'm not religious... i just dont see the point. Following a religion only holds you back.


I see life like a jungle, well it is isn't it, people talk about the 'concrete jungle'. Inside the jungle are all sorts of living things and I see the animals like people, some will attack you and rip you to shreds, others will poison you, others will work for you, some will sit around in the sun all day and some will provide us with food and clothing.


The trees are the many religions and although the generic term is 'tree' they are all different in their own way each providing a habitat for the different animals, incests, fungi, birds, and snakes etc. you get the idea don't you, and in the middle of the forest is a tree called “The Tree of Life” and that is where you will find the Christians. There is also the “No No” tree and that is where you will find the atheists, its branches are bare because it bears no fruit.


Just as all trees are different so are all the religions, philosophies and beliefs and although there are many varieties no two are the same and that is why we shouldn't talk about 'religion' per se because they are all different. The Tree of Life is a refuge and in the Old Testament in Psalm 34 we read the words


“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.”


Fear in this context means to stand in awe, to reverence, honour, and respect the Lord and why is that? Because in Deuteronomy 33:27 we read “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. And because of all this Christians can rest in the loving arms of Jesus for He is our shield and defender.


I am glad I am a Christian.



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When you refur to Muslims as 'they' you seem to be conceptulising them as a single group.


Describing Chrisitians as 'they' means grouping billions of people together from hundreds of different countries, implying that a Christian in England has something in common with a Christian in Africa.


I think of Muslims and Christians in the same way I think of football players and tennis players. They are all different as individuals but they all follow the same laws, principles and concepts.


The thing that Christians have in common is our love of the Lord Jesus Christ. :)



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I think the writer was in error when he seems to claim that only Islam has a hard and fast set of laws:- most laws, of most lands seem to boil down to the basics of the ten commandments:- "thou shalt be excellent to each other..."


look at the hard and fast set of rules that were in the Old Testament? stoning / "death" for wearing garments of mixed fibres ec etc. give your 10% tithes and sacrifices to the priests... etc.


I agree with you that it is not only Islam that has the problems, but I think we come at it from different directions.


As you know, I think that religious belief is fundementally incompatibible with true morality, democracy and humanity.


I also think that the issues of personal sexual feedom (ie the right to be gay if thats your choice), the open teaching of science, and the 100% equal treatment of women are good tests that all the religions fail to some degree.


- Mainly because they were all written by men in order to preserve or expand power structures. If you have studied the sociology of comparative religions, I simply cannot get a handle on how anybody, unless they are in a dire internal turmoil can "believe"


As a humanist, I however, respect anybody's right to believe what they want, including a pro-death penalty, evangelical, homophobic, woman hating nazi, but I believe their beliefs have no role in politics, goverenace or law. This is why, for all its faults, I support open, secular democracy as the way to a better future



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I kept out of it and monitored your posts ,you just seem to have done your usual evasive tactics..so what was the point of posting questions you would only dodge them as you have done everybody elses..I 'll give you one thing your a genius in BS
Oh alright, well then it wouldn't be too much trouble to point out which questions on Islam theology I avoided from you. The insolent posts from the other username, you know, the new one, don't deserve a reply but anything discussed in a civil manner has been answered. So what was the question again you were itching to ask?
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I see life like a jungle, well it is isn't it, people talk about the 'concrete jungle'. Inside the jungle are all sorts of living things and I see the animals like people, some will attack you and rip you to shreds, others will poison you, others will work for you, some will sit around in the sun all day and some will provide us with food and clothing.


The trees are the many religions and although the generic term is 'tree' they are all different in their own way each providing a habitat for the different animals, incests, fungi, birds, and snakes etc. you get the idea don't you, and in the middle of the forest is a tree called “The Tree of Life” and that is where you will find the Christians. There is also the “No No” tree and that is where you will find the atheists, its branches are bare because it bears no fruit.


That is quite possibly the most hilarious analogy you've ever put forth on this great forum of ours, congratulations!:thumbsup:

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I see life like a jungle, well it is isn't it, people talk about the 'concrete jungle'. Inside the jungle are all sorts of living things and I see the animals like people, some will attack you and rip you to shreds, others will poison you, others will work for you, some will sit around in the sun all day and some will provide us with food and clothing.


The trees are the many religions and although the generic term is 'tree' they are all different in their own way each providing a habitat for the different animals, incests, fungi, birds, and snakes etc. you get the idea don't you, and in the middle of the forest is a tree called “The Tree of Life” and that is where you will find the Christians. There is also the “No No” tree and that is where you will find the atheists, its branches are bare because it bears no fruit.



So er, which religion is the tree inhabited by incests?

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Oh alright, well then it wouldn't be too much trouble to point out which questions on Islam theology I avoided from you. The insolent posts from the other username, you know, the new one, don't deserve a reply but anything discussed in a civil manner has been answered. So what was the question again you were itching to ask?

You aint avoided anything of mine ..I aint asked anything :thumbsup:

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