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The new Islam megathread part 3

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No Dr Bassman, my problem is bloatedracistphobia, a rare and an uncommon condition of being terrified of constipitated racists who couldn't get indoor toilets because the immigrants wouldn't let them:hihi:.
Tab1 up to his lying antics again; when you've nothing to say fall back on lies.

Tab1; you are a liar!

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Tab1 up to his lying antics again; when you've nothing to say fall back on lies.

Tab1; you are a liar!

Dr Bassman are you so insulted that I didn't accept your diagnosis of me and the problem you accuse me of having? are you a BNP supporter by any chance?:hihi:

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No Dr Bassman, my problem is bloatedracistphobia, a rare and an uncommon condition of being terrified of constipitated racists who couldn't get indoor toilets because the immigrants wouldn't let them:hihi:.

I thought the majority of Asian immigrants used holes in the floor,wiped their arses with their hands amd used Western toilets to wash their feet:o

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I thought the majority of Asian immigrants used holes in the floor,wiped their arses with their hands amd used Western toilets to wash their feet:o
And you have seen that have you eh, and why were you watching anyway you perv? That Garry Glitter has a lot of influence on you after all.:hihi:
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I thought the majority of Asian immigrants used holes in the floor,wiped their arses with their hands amd used Western toilets to wash their feet:o


Wonder if they still scrape their **** with a brick as directed by the prophet.


The Islamic prophet Muhammad specified that one should use an odd number of stones to clean the anal orifice after defecation and then proceed to a different location to wash it with water.:hihi::hihi:

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bangingman are you still banging on! do us a favour and go and bang yourself out man!! sick of fools who dont have a clue just go on and on, change the bloody record.

I suppose everybody who criticizes Islam is a fool in your book..Well I hate to pee on your bonfire but by your definition of fools there is a hell of a lot in this world.Personally I think the biggest fools are the blinkered idiots who take a 2000 year old book as the be all and end all of society..Go straight to jail do not pass go do not collect 200..it could be instructions straight out of the quoran couldnt it..oh I forgot ... do not think for yourself and do not question the prophet..its no wonder Islam seems to flourish more in backward countries

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I suppose everybody who criticizes Islam is a fool in your book..Well I hate to pee on your bonfire but by your definition of fools there is a hell of a lot in this world.Personally I think the biggest fools are the blinkered idiots who take a 2000 year old book as the be all and end all of society..Go straight to jail do not pass go do not collect 200..it could be instructions straight out of the quoran couldnt it..oh I forgot ... do not think for yourself and do not question the prophet..its no wonder Islam seems to flourish more in backward countries


I have no problem with my faith being questioned...


But talking of fools:- you mix up Islam with the early mediaeval catholic church. (which did say don't question etc).


Islam TELLS us to use our intellect, and question. If you like, I'll do a search for you, and see if you can buy yourself a clue?

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