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The new Islam megathread part 3

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so why is it the fastest growing religion in the world you thick pillock???!!! and why are the majority of converts from America, oh forgot America is a backward country isnt it mr know it all!

Before you start banging on why dont you watch islam channel on sky you just might learn something!!

Tell me one thing, is there any muslims on here who start threads badmouthing christianity or any other religion? NO, because they are not as narrow minded as you are! you got nothing better to do, probably not, you need to get a life!

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Islam TELLS us to use our intellect, and question. If you like, I'll do a search for you, and see if you can buy yourself a clue?


Hi Plain Talker, you know I'm not a rude gander, but could you try and answer me this one -


I have posted and asked several times as to why muslim societies tend to be more closed to ideas than western democracies - and I cite the issue of the repression of access to books etc in the arabic world.


This is clearly a religious issue, and if one looks around you can see it in the history of the christian church as well.


The stat that the arabic world should be ashamed of, is the old spain in 1 year vs arabic world in 500 ratio for book translations.

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I have no problem with my faith being questioned...


But talking of fools:- you mix up Islam with the early mediaeval catholic church. (which did say don't question etc).


Islam TELLS us to use our intellect, and question. If you like, I'll do a search for you, and see if you can buy yourself a clue?



Lets have a whip-round - we're going to need a LOT of money. ;)

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Hi Plain Talker, you know I'm not a rude gander, but could you try and answer me this one -


I have posted and asked several times as to why muslim societies tend to be more closed to ideas than western democracies - and I cite the issue of the repression of access to books etc in the arabic world.


This is clearly a religious issue, and if one looks around you can see it in the history of the christian church as well.


The stat that the arabic world should be ashamed of, is the old spain in 1 year vs arabic world in 500 ratio for book translations.


Honk, Honk, Sir Goose... I know you are a very respectful Gander, indeed, :nod: and I take no issue with you or the generally non-confrontational way your ideas/ arguments are put across,.


Sadly I'm just one person, I can't legislate to say there must be so many books published/ translated... :(


I consider myself fortunate to live in the west, where I can sate my desire to acquire knowledge, and that I do have access to many wonderful books and journals, I just wish it were the same everywhere. (look at places like China, and its neighbours, where you can't even access decent, unbiased informative western internet news- sites, and certain Wahabist-influenced areas of Muslim states where TV is forbidden... :( )

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so why is it the fastest growing religion in the world you thick pillock???!!! and why are the majority of converts from America, oh forgot America is a backward country isnt it mr know it all!

Before you start banging on why dont you watch islam channel on sky you just might learn something!!

Tell me one thing, is there any muslims on here who start threads badmouthing christianity or any other religion? NO, because they are not as narrow minded as you are! you got nothing better to do, probably not, you need to get a life!

Badmouthing? I may question the religion but to my knowledge Iv never called an individual a pillock never mind a thick one..tell me where do the majority of muslims come from? It may be the fastest growing religion in the world at this moment in time i am not disputing that,its also the main cause for unrest in the world,take a look around at all the hotspots in the world,I bet you dont know what they all have in common..sorry not dont know more like wont admit..here come the excuses as per true to form

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we'll bankrupt ourselves before we succeed, unfortunately... ;)

Tell me PT what do you feel when you see your adopted religious nutters attacking your own countrymen and heroes to boot verbally on a British street as re Luton and what do you feel when you see the carnage caused by your adopted religious nutters on your capitals streets..or the fact that your own fellow innocent countrymen were brutally beheaded and the video posted on the internet and numerous muslim owned mobile phones for them to gloat over..but there we go ..Islam the religion of peace..not

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bangingman, we all know the reason why you started this thread!! :huh: anyways got to go, got work to do....

there will always be unrest in the world, no matter were you are or how rich you are, we are not in heaven. :rolleyes:

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Tell me PT what do you feel when you see your adopted religious nutters attacking your own countrymen and heroes to boot verbally on a British street as re Luton and what do you feel when you see the carnage caused by your adopted religious nutters on your capitals streets..or the fact that your own fellow innocent countrymen were brutally beheaded and the video posted on the internet and numerous muslim owned mobile phones for them to gloat over..but there we go ..Islam the religion of peace..not


Why should I pander to you just to feed your agenda? (FGS, :rolleyes: someone must have slipped a supersized bag of troll food into my trolley at Asda last week whilst I wasn't looking!!!)


You know from everything I have said on here about my faith in the past that I do not align myself with these (mercifully few) extremists, and bigots.


You know I'm a moderate, so do not try to attack me by tying to make out that I align myself with the extremists.


you know that I disagreed with the treatment of the returning soldiers in Luton, and that whilst I disagree utterly with the supposed justice of the war in the middle east, I support our servicemen and women, as they are under direct orders to fight this war (as unjust and scurrilous as it is) so o us a favour:- don't try to be a scuzzbucket and insinuate otherwise about me.

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Why should I pander to you just to feed your agenda? (FGS, :rolleyes: someone must have slipped a supersized bag of troll food into my trolley at Asda last week whilst I wasn't looking!!!)


You know from everything I have said on here about my faith in the past that I do not align myself with these (mercifully few) extremists, and bigots.


You know I'm a moderate, so do not try to attack me by tying to make out that I align myself with the extremists.


you know that I disagreed with the treatment of the returning soldiers in Luton, and that whilst I disagree utterly with the supposed justice of the war in the middle east, I support our servicemen and women, as they are under direct orders to fight this war (as unjust and scurrilous as it is) so o us a favour:- don't try to be a scuzzbucket and insinuate otherwise about me.

Dont have ti insinuate anything..tell me which is paramount ..your religion or your country?

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