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The new Islam megathread part 3

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The london nail bomber acted alone according to the police.


Indeed. But nevertheless it's an example of such an atrocity carried out by someone who was a member of the BNP.


With actions of such magnitude. does it really matter if the order comes from outside or not?

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Indeed. But nevertheless it's an example of such an atrocity carried out by someone who was a member of the BNP.


In fact he was a member of the National Socialist Movement rather then the BNP at the time of his actions.


With actions of such magnitude. does it really matter if the order comes from outside or not?


But he acted alone. The order came from nowhere other than his obviously deranged mind. This is a single person acting on their own fruition.

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I know. That's way I used the past form was


Still says a lot to me about some of the sort of people that the BNP attracts


I can see your point, but membership to the BNP is not the only or the deciding factor in the nail bombers mindset. He was a member of a by far more racist/Nazi organisation but his best weapon in turning himself into a racist killer was none other than the internet.

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The london nail bomber acted alone according to the police.


He did, but his parents amongst others blamed his involvement with the BNP for exposing him to the views that led to his terrorist actions.


Other examples include Lambertus Nieuwhorf (spelt something like that) who has a conviction for attemtped bombing of a Catholic School. (Although admittedly he joined the BNP after that event.)


Tony Lecomber who has convictions for explosives after his pipebomb went off on the way to bombing WRP offices, he also has a conviction for a racist assault on a Jewish person on London underground.


And more recently BNP candidate Robert Cottage, imprisoned for possessing weapons and bomb making equipment, in preperation for a Civil War.



And it shouldn't be forgotten the BNP set up C-18.

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There we have it, I think we have cracked this one. It’s not the Muslims but those who volunteer to speak for them. It is everyone’s duty to stand up and speak out against these kinds of acts especially when they claim to be acting on our behalf. People blame the media for focusing on the bad news and the tiny minority of Muslims that are doing what they do, but when you say that other should not need to tell anyone of their views, you are gagging the majority for what? nothing!


During the 1970s and 1980s Irish people in England routinely suffered prejudice as a result of the IRA's terrorist activities. This was in spite of their leaders condeming the IRA. Sometimes people just want to blame whoever is easiest to get at.

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I can see your point, but membership to the BNP is not the only or the deciding factor in the nail bombers mindset. He was a member of a by far more racist/Nazi organisation but his best weapon in turning himself into a racist killer was none other than the internet.


Well i'm sure al-queada members get bomb recipes from the internet :huh: I think i'm commenting more on the sort of lowlifes that pass through the BNP, than I am on any specific details of how he did what he did

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boyfriday, are you saying that we need not accept and apologise for the Iraq and Afghanistan or that we need too?


Not in the slightest serapis, as the rest of my post clarified.


Nor do the mistakes we made in these regions mean we as British people have to wear a hair shirt about it either.
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In fact he was a member of the National Socialist Movement rather then the BNP at the time of his actions.



But he acted alone. The order came from nowhere other than his obviously deranged mind. This is a single person acting on their own fruition.


Do you see now serapis? Like Linesman earlier, you're finding reasons to avoid or distance yourself from acts of terrorism that might be perceived by an outsider to be acted out in the name of white, British people, of which I'm guessing you're one.


It's a natural thing to do, which is why it's unhelpful to demand or expect apologises from Muslims for acts of terrorsim conceived and carried out by deranged minds within their own community.

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Not in the slightest serapis, as the rest of my post clarified.


If that’s the case, and you expect us to accept and apologise for Iraq and Afghanistan, wars the people of the UK did not want and had no say in. Then with this premise why should the Muslim population not accept and apologise for terrorist acts enacted on their behalf such as 9/11, the Bali bombing, London, Madrid and Glasgow also?

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