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The new Islam megathread part 3

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Dear God! How dense can one person be?




Dense enough to say this:


What you must realise is that these threads draw together all the loony lefty do-gooders so that they can be identified later.

They will then be treat the same as the muslims treat dissidents.


I can just imagine him with his notebook of SFers names ready to hand-over when the BNP are in a position to act out his violent fantasies. :gag:

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  • 10 months later...
Dear God! How dense can one person be?


Are you seriously trying to persuade us that the atrocities committed by Christian on Christian aren't an issue because the people carrying them out are only nominal? (or is it that the people on the receiving end of the carnage and mayhem are the nominals?)


An atrocity is an atrocity whether the person carrying it out is white, black, yellow, brown or Sky-blue-pink-with-yellow-dots... Muslim, Christian, Jew polytheist, or atheist... terrorism, and terrorist acts are to be condemned.


it doesn't matter whether a person is a practising, or nominal (*insert faith or moral code here*) they still have the right to live in peace, without the threat of death hanging over them.

Not as dense as you obviously, not since medaeval times and the spanish inquisition has barabarity such as that which is carried out today in the name of Islam been carried out in the name of Christainity.

Please name one Christian church that sends out suicide bombers into market places, funerals wedding etc in the name of the Christian God.

If you're stuck I'll tell you a religeon that does, here's a clue Is**m the followers are M**l*ms.

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Not as dense as you obviously, not since medaeval times and the spanish inquisition has barabarity such as that which is carried out today in the name of Islam been carried out in the name of Christainity.

Please name one Christian church that sends out suicide bombers into market places, funerals wedding etc in the name of the Christian God.

If you're stuck I'll tell you a religeon that does, here's a clue Is**m the followers are M**l*ms.


..interesting reading here Bassman



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Not as dense as you obviously, not since medaeval times and the spanish inquisition has barabarity such as that which is carried out today in the name of Islam been carried out in the name of Christainity.

Please name one Christian church that sends out suicide bombers into market places, funerals wedding etc in the name of the Christian God.

If you're stuck I'll tell you a religeon that does, here's a clue Is**m the followers are M**l*ms.


can I suggest you come back when you know what you're talking about?

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